Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

It's Not Too Difficult

Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. Deuteronomy 30:11 NIV Bible

Although this is somewhat taken out of context, it isn't totally. Actually, the Lord is telling the Israelites this before they enter the Promised Land. That what He asks of them isn't too difficult, and beyond their capabilities. The Lord God wants them to love and respect Him and not worship the false gods of the neighboring countries.

This ties in, because food had become a false god in my life, before Christ showed this to me. In times of stress or boredom, I would turn to food [a false god] to comfort me, instead of turning to Jesus and putting these issues into His very capable hands. Once I started doing this, my whole life changed. Once I found this out, I prayed, giving up control over my food and eating. I told God that I had given up and that if He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it, because I couldn't. That's when my whole life started to change. As the Lord showed me that I needed to turn the control of these into His hands on a daily basis, the weight started coming off, starting that very same day I had said that prayer. After that, I rarely had the urge to eat large portions of food and if I did, the Lord would always remind me. Of course, it was up to me to choose whether listen to the Lord's reminders or to follow through on those urges.

Well, the thing is, turning our lives, stress, and food over into the Lord God's hands isn't as difficult as it may seem. It's only a prayer away! If it's hard for you to do this, pray for the willingness to let the Lord be in charge of your food, body, stress, and eating! He will, if you truly want His help. It doesn't always happen immediately, but it's worth the wait and it's not too difficult!

The Price You Have to Pay for Being Thin

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV Bible

Well, the Lord God allowed me an 80+ pound weight loss. Just prior that time, Jesus showed me lots of lessons about myself. Some of them where difficult, and I would have rathered not have had them, but that's the price have to you pay for being thin. In my opinion, if you lose all your weight and don't make any changes in your life, your eating, and your routines, your weight won't stay off for long. I know this, because I was on so many diets during the years prior to this and lost weight only to gain it back, and often much more than I lost.

It's difficult to face that I had: been hiding portions of food from my family; begrudged them eating anything I wanted for myself; pushed them and God away from me, because I didn't feel good about myself; and the worst was, that I had let food become a false god in my life! I would turn to food in times of stress, instead of putting it into the Lord God's very capable hands. 

It wasn't easy facing what I had been doing and how it affected those that I love dearly! Every now-and-then, I start to backslide into some of these old patterns, but fortunately for me, the Lord helps refocus me. But as I said, learning the lessons that the Lord has for me about my eating, choices, stress, and priorities, are the price you have to pay for being thin...but they're worth it. The sense of calm I get for putting my life and family into God's hands, is so amazing, even more amazing than His allowing the vast majority of the weight to stay off for over 30 years. I don't want to ever go back to those old patterns, but fortunately God reminds me!

There are Friends and There are Friends

 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17 NIV Bible

There's an old saying, There are friends and there are friends. I think this Bible passages is saying, that true friends, become like a brother in times of trouble. I think that's the sign of a good friend. By this, I wouldn't consider that anyone who is your friend is true friend when things get rough, you are no longer popular with others, or your views are identical to theirs!

I had the reverse situation. I knew lots of people, but they ignored me or barely tolerated me when I was heavy. I was hurt when the treated me disrespectfully or they would ignore my thoughts and ideas, as if someone heavy couldn't have credible ideas to contribute. It was even worse when someone thin, would think about what I had just said, and would turn around and say those same things as if they were their ideas, and the others would rave about what a good idea or comment it was!

When Christ blessed me with an 80+ pound weight loss, all of a sudden, these so-called friends, were all of a sudden very friendly with me. They paid attention to me and respected my thoughts and ideas. The thing is, I didn't really consider these people as true friends, because of how they had treated me prior to the weight loss. Fortunately, the Lord has shown me, I'm not supposed to judge others and to forgive them, like He forgives me of all my many shortcomings! 

The Buffet Challenge!

 This is the way [the Lord God] governs the nations and provides food in abundance. Job 36:31 NIV Bible

We went out of town overnight to a small country community. About ten miles out of town, there is a country buffet with all homemade style foods, and lots of thick, creamy gravy to slather all over everything.

Buffets and I have a long love-hate relationship! I love the buffets, but end up hating myself for indulging and making myself sick to my stomach by eating so much! Sure, I have my reasons: I want to get my money's worth! I haven't gone to a buffet in a long time, so I deserve to treat myself! It is a shame to waste all this good food on my plate and stop while my stomach is comfortable! You've got it! I figure out ways to rationalized eating myself silly!

You would think I'd know better after all these years! Christ has shown me over and over again over the 30+ years that He's allowed the greatest portion of the 80 pound weight loss to stay off, that I have to be careful when it comes to buffets. So, this time, thanks to the Lord God watching out for me, when I really don't want to watch out, He had me stop eating while I my stomach still felt comfortable. Sure, there were lots of things to go back and get, but it felt so good to be able to walk out of the doors of the buffet and not feel like I had to unbutton my pants that have started to feel two sizes too small.

Does Celebrating Have to Involve Eating?

 Psalm 145:7 They celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness. NIV Bible

My husband and I went out to celebrate our anniversary. We were really delighted, because it was one of those milestone anniversaries, which was significant to us, since we are 'remarrieds'. That means we each have previously been in a marriage that didn't work, and we got remarried. So, having a marriage that is working out over time, seems worth celebrating!

We went to lunch with friends to celebrate! We got a gift card to a restaurant from family members to celebrate this occasion. We also went out to eat out of town to celebrate! It makes me think, Does celebrating have to involve food? It seems the people we know thinks it does. Couldn't we have just spent the day together doing something we both enjoy? Could we have gone for a nice drive in the country instead of going out to eat? These are all possibilities that we'll have to be mindful of in future years!

Now, the celebrating in the Bible passage listed is also a joyful occasion. They are celebrating the Lord God's abundant goodness. When we looked back on our marriage that has its ups and downs, but still works, we appreciated the abundant goodness the Lord God shared with us, by allowing us to be married to each other all these years. Fortunately for us, Christ helped us iron out the glitches along the way!

Thanksgiving and Forgiveness!

 Psalm 130:4 But with You [Lord], there is forgiveness, so we can, with reverence, serve You. NIV Bible

As I think of Thanksgiving, I remember some that were very personally painful for me. I remember a former mother-in-law who walk around the front room on Thanksgiving, carrying trays of special treats to share that could tempt almost anyone! 

She would go to each person and say, would you like some of this? When she came to me, she didn't put the tray in front of me to choose a special treat, but walked right past me and made snide comments. I resented these insensitive remarks for years! The thing is, this resentment only hurt me inside.

I've had to get to the point that I could turn this hurt, pain, and resentment over into Christ's very capable hands and He gave me a release from these resentful feelings. When I prayed for the willingness to forgive this insensitive person, there was such a release of stress. When I let go of the resentment and forgave her, I could let the feelings of self-esteem into my life, instead of letting her remarks tell her who I am. Christ tells me who I am. I am a loved child of God!

Wait, Wait, Wait, and Still Waiting

 Job 7:2 Like a servant waiting for the evening shadows, or a hired laborer waiting to be paid... NIV Bible

I have been a Christian Overeater most of my life. I spent a large portion of my life waiting until I was thin, until my body looked better, until I had more prestige. Well, I wait, wait, wait, and I'm still waiting!

The thing is, I have been blessed by Christ showing me that I can turn my compulsive overeating, my stress, and my insecurities into His very capable hands. He allowed me to loose over 80 pounds and to keep the vast majority of it off for over 40 years. Yes, I'm thinner, but not at the perfect weight according to the charts. Yes, my body looks much better, but I still have droopy body parts and bulges that remain. No, I don't have more prestige, but now it doesn't matter any more!

God has given me the self-esteem that seems much more important than having the perfect weight, than having a picture perfect body, or more prestige! He changed all of that, long before He allowed me to loose all the weight. He showed me that these things I waited for, became like false gods for me. When I gave up waiting for them and turned my focus to Christ and His will for me, my life took on a whole new meaning and my life went from always waiting to having a deep sense of calm that only Christ can give!

It's Not About Me

 Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all your sins. NIV

A person I interact with several times a week, recently mentioned something that this person does for their diet. I don't know this person well, but I wondered whether I should say something about this blog or not. I went back and forth in my mind. 

I wondered if this blog would be a beneficial resource for the person and if I didn't mention something, I would be denying that person the opportunity to utilize it. I wondered if sharing the info about blog, was just a play for attention, although I go to great lengths to try to avoid falling prey to this vice. But as I well know, Satan, can dangle things before our eyes that don't look like temptations, but really are! I wondered if I was afraid to share my faith with the person who might reject me, if I took the risk of mentioning the blog. I was really torn, but continued to pray about it.

I ended up telling the person how God had allowed me to loose 80 pounds and to keep the vast majority of it off all these years. I explained how I had given up on diets, and sat down and prayed, telling Christ that I gave up, and if He wanted me to be thin, He'd have to take care of it, because I couldn't. I shared that it was that very same day that I prayed, that the Lord took the urge for eating large amounts of food away. Then, I noticed someone who needed the person's assistance, so I stopped speaking. Afterward, I wondered about all types of things I should have shared instead. But then, Christ had it on my heart, that it's not about me. The information about turning this vice over to Christ's very capable hands, was what was important!

Did I Forget?

 Proverbs 4:4 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget My words or turn away from them. NIV 

Recently, I saw someone I knew was dieting, who ate all the holiday decorated treats we had bought together, rather than share them with the younger generation. I was quick to be judgmental about this.  It is my impression that God doesn't like it when I judge others, because He immediately had it on my heart, about how I didn't allow my daughter to share Pippin Apples, similar to Granny Smith apples.

I wasn't compassionate, in fact, the fangs and claws came out! I made my generous daughter feel bad about sharing the apples with her friends, because I said there wouldn't be enough for our family. That wasn't accurate, because those were mine!!!

How quickly I've forgotten, when I did the same thing the other person did, and worse. Fortunately for me, Christ had this memory flash back within my heart, so I had more empathy for the struggle that food can pose. This was especially significant for me, because it was one of the many lessons Christ had for me, when He showed me how food or the desire for food, had become a false god in my life. I'm so glad He's shown me that I can put those temptations into His very capable hands. I'm not perfect, as this post shows, but I am blessed by a Heavenly Father, who is perfect and forgives all my many shortcomings. 

Honest Scales

 Proverbs 16:11  Honest scales and balances belong to the Lord; all the weights in the bag are of His making. NIV

Actually, this passages is talking about how some people in Biblical times had different different deceitful weights. Merchants used these weights to put on the scale when they sold something, so it looked like it weighed much more, giving them more profit, that wasn't honest. 

About six months ago, I realized my food regimen was getting sloppy again, which usually corresponds to my relationship with Christ becoming sloppy. After lots of prayerful contemplation, it was on my heart that I needed to do what Christ first showed me related to both. Then, I prayed and asked Christ to be in control of my food, body, eating, and stress, which led to His being in charge of these things, instead of me obsessing over them.

It was such a freeing relief, when I prayed this again. I had been slopping out some watered down version of this, on a daily basis, but that's why my relationship with Jesus Christ was getting sloppy. After focused praying this, my eating regimen changed almost immediately, and I was no longer craving junk food that had been appealing to me, prior to this. That sense of calm that only Christ can give, has returned again. I need to be honest, and not use deceitful weights, when I'm assessing my eating, my life choices, and my relationship with Christ. If He hadn't shown me this, I would have still been floundering around fooling myself into thinking that my relationship with Him was focused, like it should be!

A Pain in the Neck...

 Deuteronomy 9:13  And the Lord said to me, I have seen this people, and they are a stiff-necked people indeed! NIV

Well, when the Lord says that people are stiff-necked, it means they are stubborn, which suits me to a tee! Of late, I have had a stiff neck and after prayerful contemplation, I ended up in the doctor's office. I thought something worse was going on, and the doctor reassured me that it wasn't what I thought.

What he told me was that I was pushing myself too hard and I also let stress get the best of me! That caused the pinched nerve, etc. to become aggravated. His diagnosis was right on the money! I had been pushing myself pretty hard over the last couple of months. I didn't listen to the warning signs that Christ gives me that it was affecting my body.

That's where the stiff-necked, stubborn part comes into play. I am so stubborn that even when I have warning signs, I still think I can accomplish whatever I'm doing despite the warnings by body gives me! Not only is it stubborn, but it's prideful, because I'm disregarding Christ's lead in my life, thinking because I have determined I can do something, that it will happen. Often, that stubborn, stiff-necked pride comes at a cost...a pain in the neck, and weeks of regretting the damage I did to my body!

Backsliding, but Moving Forward Toward the Light

 Jeremiah 3:22 Return faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. Yes, we will come to You, for You are the Lord our God. NIV

I most often think of backsliding, when I realize that my eating regimen is getting sloppy. That usually seems to happen when my faith in Christ, our Lord and Savior, is also getting sloppy. This last week, I found myself in the midst of a prayer, and within seconds I was thinking about something totally unrelated.

How quickly I am able to backslide, when I know how wonderfully, the Lord God has dramatically improved my life. He has showed me to turn my life, my food, body, and stressors over to His very capable hands. When I get distracted in the middle of my prayer, I short-circuit that on so many levels.

In addition to it undermining my prayer, which is my direct line with my Lord who saves me from myself, and the worries of the world. He also gives me focus and moves me forward in a more selfless way, so everything isn't just about me. There are many out there who need His warm embrace in their daily lives, as well. 

The Storms of Life

 Psalm 55:8-9 I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm. Lord confuse the wicked and [frustrate] their words for I see violence and [conflict] in the city. NIV 

This passage seems very appropriate, right now. At the time I wrote this post, behind me, the newscasters are giving a play-by-play report on those trying to decide whether to shelter-in-place or flee for safety, due to the most recent hurricane. Yes, the Bible is still pertinent to our lives today.

But it is even more relevant, related to the unrest in our world these days. It feels like there are people coming out of the woodwork, saying things that confuse me and make me want to hide my head in the sand and wait until all the conflict is over. 

Sure, it's enough to make me want to eat myself into oblivion, but Christ has shown me that I need to turn all the stress from the storms of our world, into His very capable hands. Every time, I do this, I don't feel so overwhelmed or tempted to overeat, and He makes me able to move forward, one step at a time. 

How Am I Like Stained Clothing?

 Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart & with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience & having our bodies washed with pure water. NIV

This morning, I was going to put on some clothing and hesitated, because I noticed it was stained. I immediately thought, it may be stained, but it's clean.  As I mulled that over in my mind a few times, it was on my heart, that I'm just like the stained clothing!

I've made many poor choices in my life. Overeating is just one of them, but I've made many bigger poor choices, so many I'm not very proud of. The thing is, just like the clothing I picked up that was stained, but clean, and so am I. 

I was negatively affected by many of those poor choices, that left the stain, but the blood of Christ, our Savior, has washed me and my many sins clean! I realize that I haven't posted in a while, but when this was on my heart today, that I may have stains from past poor choices, but I'm clean through Christ, I couldn't wait to share this with you! Faith in Jesus Christ is very amazing!

Continuing to be Tempted by Sweet Foods

 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Psalm 19:10

Actually this Bible verse is saying the Lord God's decrees are more precious than pure gold and are sweeter than honey. In recent posts, I told you how I ate some strawberry shortcake made with artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, I don't handle artificial sweeteners very well. They throw off my sleep cycle and my digestive system!

Also, since I'm hypoglycemic and a compulsive over eater, eating what has artificial sweeteners in it, although it's not sugar, starts a cycle of my body craving sweet foods.  On the way home from the trip, I started munching on a bag of what I thought was artificially sweetened kettle corn, to stay awake on the long trip home. Well, that should have been enough of a warning to me!

Later, I enjoyed the kettle corn so much, I decided to look at the list of ingredients. I knew I shouldn't have any more artificial sweeteners after the strawberry shortcake. As it turns out, it was made with sugar and had reduced calories. I decided to eat it, even knowing, that my body doesn't handle sugar well, either. It was minutes later, that I bit down and broke my crown on some popcorn. Although I was frustrated about the broken tooth, I feel very fortunate that Christ stopped me in my tracks, from continuing to do something that causes me so many problems. It often takes me several prayerful weeks to get the cravings for sweet foods out of my body. Fortunately, the Lord God stopped me when I wouldn't stop myself!

Many Thoughts, Sleepless Nights, Oh My!

 When he found a certain place, he stopped for the night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. Genesis 28:11

This is really referring to Jacob, but it remined me of recently traveling and trying to go to sleep. I put my hotel pillow, not a stone, under my head, and tried to drift off to sleep. I think I did get some sleep, at first, but then, my mind was filled with many thoughts. 

I tried to go to sleep, but it just seemed that my mind just kept going and going. Unfortunately, this is one of the side effects of my using artificial sweeteners. I knew that before I had taken a big piece of strawberry shortcake sweetened with artificial sweeteners. At the moment I ate this decadent sugar-free desert, I didn't want to think about how the artificial sweeteners [that] I had used to make this cake would affect me.

It has started an irregular sleep pattern for me. This last week, I keep going to sleep, but I'm waking up and staying awake for a couple hours before getting back to sleep. Then, I'm overtired in the middle of the day, doze off, but when I go to bed, I sleep for a while, but wake up and can't go back to sleep for a couple of hours. I'm prayerfully trying to return back to a normal sleeping pattern. The sugar-free strawberry shortcake really wasn't worth it, although I thought it was when I was eating it!

Too Much of a Good Thing!

 If you find honey, eat just enough-too much of it, and you will vomit. Proverbs 25:16

We went to a Chinese Buffet [my favorite] with a family member. I hadn't gone since the Pandemic started, because I basically try not to eat in big crowds of people these days. I'm not so worried about getting COVID, but I am concerned about getting it and passing it on to relatives and those I care about.

I knew I might not get to come to a Chinese Buffet for a long time, so I really loaded up on the food. My plate looked like Mount Vesuvius! I wanted to say that's a slight exaggeration, but in reality, it isn't! 

I enjoyed all the food on my heaping plate and then saw someone walk by with nice fresh slices of watermelon and other fruit. I knew I was full, but did I pay attention to the instincts that the Lord God guided me by? Unfortunately not! I heaped up another plate with three slices of watermelon, some cantaloupe, and something else. Fruit is healthy, right???? After eating all of that when I was already full, left me feeling lethargic. I wasn't being a good example of how God guides me in my life! I just gave into the temptations that Satan dangled in front of me and justified gorging myself, because I hadn't been to a buffet in a long time. Fortunately, Christ is very forgiving and is leading me to return to my healthier eating plan!

I Second-Guessed Myself and I Should Have Known Better

 When the man of God had finished eating and drinking, the prophet who had brought him back saddled his donkey for him. 1 Kings 13:23

You need some background information to why this particular Bible verse is significant to me. Well, the Lord God had a man go and tell Jeroboam some of the consequences of his wicked actions in leading others astray. God told this man who shared this information that he shouldn't eat or drink anything there until he returned. A prophet heard about the man of God and he deceitfully told him that an angel had come to him and told him that he was supposed to bring the man of God back there and give him something to eat and drink [although this wasn't true!]

The man of God second-guessed himself, when He knew what the Lord God had told him, but he went back with the other prophet believing what he said to be true. On the way home, the man of God died shortly after he finished eating, because he had gone against the Lord God's warning to not eat there. 

I realize that you might think this is a strange passage to relate to, but in reality, it isn't. Recently, I made strawberry shortcake for someone who is diabetic with sugar free whipped topping and sugar substitute in the strawberries. I'm hypoglycemic, so I try not to eat anything with refined sugar. I mentioned that I was thinking of eating some of it too, because I rarely eat desserts and it was sugar-free. The thing is, I second-guessed myself! God has shown me over time that my body doesn't handle sugar-free substitutes very well. I wanted to listen to those who were encouraging me to have some strawberry shortcake. It was soooo good that I made some more a few days later, but now I'm sorry for doing so! I should have known better! Now, my sleep pattern is off and my digestive system is out of whack and I'm praying for God to heal me from giving in to something I knew was bad for me!

I Was Pushing Myself Too Hard!

 For He [Jesus] had healed many, so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch Him [Jesus]. Mark 3:10

We recently had some family events, and I pushed myself too hard to make everything perfect! It was pretty wonderful, but at what cost? Now, my body is worn to a frazzle and I'm having some type of reaction that my body to this extreme pressure I put on myself.

Why do I have to go overboard? The family members would have been happy just getting together, especially after we haven't seen each other much due to the pandemic. I did it to myself and I have no one else to fault.  

Now, I'm pushing forward to touch Jesus, praying that He heals whatever has gone awry in my body. I'm praying that it will be rectified, and I plan to add more protein to my diet, but I just have to wait it out and see. If not, I feel strongly that Christ will lead me in the right direction, like He has done soooooo many times before!

Remember to Forgive Yourself

 Bless the Lord, all my soul, and [don't] forget all His benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction; who [crowns] you with lovingkindness & tender mercies; Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.  Psalm 103:2-5

 Wow! This Bible passage really hit the spot! If you have been following these blog posts over the last month or so, I have been doing some deep soul searching, because I wasn't the friend I wanted to be. In fact, I spend several weeks kicking myself over it, disappointed that I hadn't listened the way my friend needed.

The underlined portion holds the key to all of this, for it is the Lord God who forgives all our iniquities [sins]. So if He, in his infinite mercy, does this for us, shouldn't we remember to forgive ourselves, as well?

God doesn't want me to go around kicking myself for this, or for fudging on my food plan, or being tempted by strawberry shortcake. This passages says, it's the Lord who satisfies your mouth with good things, but that doesn't mean that we should take advantage of God's good nature and do it to the point we make ourselves sick to our stomachs, or to do it too often! Fortunately, the Lord God forgives all our iniquities and is there with us through the good and the bad.

Why Do I Keep Posting About Friendship Issues?

 Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. 

I realize for the last couple of months, I've been posting about friendship issues and giving too much advice and not listening enough. It may see like a strange thing to post on the Christian Overeating Past and Present Blog, but is it really?

I don't know about you, but much of my overeating over the years has been tied to stress, worry, low self-esteem and making food a false god, turning to food, instead of turning these issues over to Christ's very capable hands. Whenever I do turn things over into Christ's hands, He is able to show me what He wants for me to know. When I turn things over to Him, I don't have that "eat the doorknobs off feeling" where I eat and eat and eat and still feel hungry, because I haven't resolved the problems, at hand.

These friendship, relationship issues have caused me stress. Not that I have been stressed because of them, but because I have caused other people I care about to be stressed and to feel alone at times they wanted support. 

One of the extremely positive things about this blog, is that it continues to allow me an avenue to process things with my Lord and Savior, and He gives me perspective when things arise, if I allow Him to. Usually, I do this at home, in the quiet of my bedroom, but this time, He had it on my heart to do it on my blog. Maybe, it's so I'm properly humbled, because I haven't been the friend I should have been. Maybe it's so others may realize that God is there for us in all the situations that arise in our lives. I'm not certain why, but I felt led to do it regardless. Fortunately, the Lord is there for all of us!

In the Eye of the Beholder

 Matthew 7:3  [paraphrased] And why do you behold [see] the [speck] in your brother's eye, but [doesn't even consider] the beam in your own eye?

This relates to a personal situation where a friend told me I give too much advice, and rarely listen to what she really wants to say. I didn't intentionally do that and thought I was being a good friend. But being a good friend is in the eye of the beholder. If it doesn't feel like what you need from your friend, it isn't beneficial.

Did I feel like that only I possessed some insight that would change her life? Possibly, if I'm being honest. At the time, I thought it would help make her life easier. But do we always gain from someone else trying to make our life easier? Not necessarily!

Sometimes, we have to arrive at a particular decision or plan of action on our own timing, and having so-called friends like me tell them what they should do, may possibly undermine that timing! Unfortunately, I've hurt her feelings and have put her in the position to have to tell me this. Fortunately, God made her brave enough to tell me. She was being a good friend to me, to help me grow, to be the person God wants me to be.

Have I Truly Been a Friend?

 Job 16:1-2 [paraphrased] Then Job answered and said, I have heard many such things, you are all miserable comforters.

My focus in my posts has been related to a friend [who] felt I gave more advice, than listening to her feelings. Have I truly been a friend? That's a really good question. I thought I was. I thought I was [potentially] helpful advice, but being helpful is in the eyes of the beholder.

If what you really need is for someone to listen to you while you process things, before determining how you want to respond to an issue, having someone else tell you what you should and shouldn't do undermines that. It keeps you from processing things the way you wanted.

This has been on my heart ever since I've heard this, and I wanted to make it right, but I'm uncertain as to how to do this. All I can do is pray that the Lord God, heals her heart from this, and that I learn the lessons He wants for me to gain from this. I don't mean, learn it for a few minutes to appease Him, but to become the friend He wants me to be for others on His behalf, instead of someone who alienates them. I still have lots to be prayerful about!

Am I Really Learning?

 Deuteronomy 17:19  And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear [respect] the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

Reading the Bible has most definitely allowed me to learn to fear [respect] the Lord God, but am I really learning, if I'm not applying it to the people the Lord has put into my life? I get too busy in figuring out what I think should be done, to truly hear their pain and anguish. I never realized I was so egotistical!

At times, I'm incensed by those who think that the feelings of others don't matter, but wasn't I doing exactly that, but on a different level? It's so easy to judge others, when we really aren't supposed to do that at all. We don't want the Lord to judge us by those same standards.

The thing is, I'm afraid, that since I've done this for so many years, I may revert back into "Know-It-All" Mode without even realizing. I know that doesn't have to be the case. God healed my compulsive overeating, and continues to bring me back to refocus, when I start slip-sliding into old eating patterns, especially when I'm stressed. Maybe, I need to focus on this, because God's gone to great lengths for me to hear this from two people within one week. If He wants me to truly learn this lesson and not back-slide, I need to stay closely attuned to Him, and allow Him to refocus me, if I slip back into old patterns.

Maybe not Hate Myself, but Hate What I Did, or Maybe It's What I Didn't Do

 Job 42:6, Wherefore I abhor [hate] myself, and repent in dust and ashes [a sign of mourning].

I've been writing several posts on this, processing the lessons the Lord has had for me in having two different people, of late, tell me that I don't listen to them, but spend my time, instead of trying to tell them what they should do to fix the issues.

Although I didn't realize it at the time, because I genuinely thought I was being helpful, the Lord has help me realize that I was being egotistical to think that I could solve their problems, that I had the solution to everything!

In realizing this, this Bible verse seems to fit with some tweaks, I don't hate myself, by I do hate what I've done, or maybe it's more what I haven't done. Regardless, I feel really badly, and I think I've distanced myself from another person years ago, that I truly regret. I get too busy in trying to think up pithy words of wisdom, that I haven't been there when they needed someone to empathize. I truly regret that!

Am I Using this Insight for Good or is it Counter-Productive?

 Job 12:16 To Him [the Lord God] belongs strength and insight: both the deceived and the deceiver are His. [NIV]

As I've mentioned in previous posts, of late, two different people told me that I get caught up in trying to solve their problems and don't listen to them, the way they would want. I admire their courage in telling me this, but it's exactly what God wanted me to hear. I've spent lots of time prayerfully contemplating this.

God's been showing me many things, but am I using this insight for good or is it counter-productive? Am I just justifying my ego and blaming it on them, instead of listening to the lesson the Lord God has for me?

In reading this Bible verse, I've been both the deceived and the deceiver in this situation. I deceived myself in not even realizing I wasn't being there emotionally to really listen to them. I deceived myself into thinking that I was helping them fix any problems they might have I, in and of myself, could solve those issues. Not only was I deceived in this, but maybe I was trying to have them think better of me for having the answer to all their problems. Although that wasn't really the case, because I was too busy trying to figure things out, to really listen to them the way they wanted. 

Am I Listening to the Message I'm Supposed to Get?

 Zechariah 1:4 Be not [like] your fathers, [to] whom the former prophets have cried, saying, The Lord of hosts [says this]; Turn [you] now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor [listen] to Me, [says] the Lord.

As you may know from previous posts, two people I care about told me that I don't listen to them, but instead try to tell them what they should do to fix their issues. I feel that if just gave myself a little pat on the hand and go on with things the way they have been, then I wouldn't be listening to the message that God has gone to great lengths for me to hear.

The Lord God wants me to grow into being the person He wants me to be, to be there for others and not let everything be clouded by my big ego, that thinks I hold the key to the best things for them to do to rectify all the issues of their lives. That's awful egotistical of me, and it appalls me that this is what I have been basically doing to people I care about. 

Fortunately for me, God gave them the courage to sharing this insight with me. Am I listening to the message I'm supposed to get or am I just licking my wounds to justify my actions?

I'm Not as Wise as I Thought

 Proverbs 1:5-6 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning: and a man of understanding shall [acquire] wise counsel, to understand a prover, and the interpretation: the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

I'm starting to realize I must have been pretty full of myself, to think I was wise and others would benefit from my suggestions to rectify their problems. See, the important part of this, is I thought I was wise and what I was sharing was wisdom that came from my mouth, which means I was taking credit for it. I feel like kicking myself when I think about this, because I'm really opposed to taking credit for things that come from God, but look...  I did exactly what I'm opposed to!

On top of that, I convinced myself in believing that when I was sharing these suggestions with others, that I was really helping them. But the keyword  to this problem in that sentence is underlined, the word I . When I struggled with my weight so much over the years, before God healed that issue, it was on my heart many times that the "I's and Me's" were what tripped me up so often! I used to ask, Dear God help me loose the weight. Lord, help me eat better. I want to be thin, Lord, help me loose all this weight. 

It wasn't until I turned over all the control related to the "I's and Me's" and the Lord helped me with my overeating issues. I feel that turning control over to the Lord's very capable hands, was when He took control of my compulsion to overeat. After hearing how I try to have all the answers to others, rather than listening, I'm not as wise as I thought. I'm back into the I's and Me's on a whole other level, but it is basically the same thing within a disguise.

I May Have Let Pride Get the Best of Me...

 Proverbs 16:18 Pride [goes] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

This Bible verse seems to be very appropriate, since I'm in the midst of realizing that I may have let pride get the best of me. In my every day world, I wouldn't think so, but I've had two people I care about recently comment that I keep trying to solve their problems rather than listen to them.

How did I get so prideful that I thought I had all the right answers? How did I feel like giving them the benefit of "my golden words of wisdom" would change their lives indefinitely? It's very humbling to think that I've disappointed other people. What really is humbling is that I've disappointed my Lord God, who gave these two the courage to tell me this. 

What I think is, Satan sneaks in when I get too comfortable, and trips me up [the fall]. This could have led to a total tailspin, if I hadn't realized that the most important thing for me to do is listen to the guidance the Lord gives me on this.

I'm saddened that I was so prideful that I didn't realize I was doing this. Fortunately, the Lord will change my focus from being on what I can do for others, to actually being there for others. When I think about it, although it sounds very similar, there is a very significant difference. I've lots to be prayerful about!

I Don't Have All the Answers, but I Know Who Does!

Jesus answered and said unto them,  This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent. 

I've had so many blog posts floating around in my head of late, but I apologize, because I get involved in some major Biblical research projects and hope to get to put on more posts, when I can.

I've had two situations lately, where people close to me have told me that I'm not listening to them, in the way they would like. I keep trying to solve their problems, instead. You, know, they're right! I wanted to say they were wrong, but after lots of prayerful contemplation on this, I have to be honest and admit my faults.

I wonder if, when I try to brainstorm solutions for situations, I sound like I'm the only one who knows the right answer to whatever they are dealing with at the time?

I wonder if, because God's done so many miracles in my life, I feel compelled to have the answers for others?

I wonder if, by brainstorming answers, it keeps me from being personally involved in what they're feeling at the time?

I wonder if, by trying to brainstorm the answers, I'm acting like I'm all knowing, like God? I hope not! I've had so much circling around in my mind over this and I feel it's noteworthy if two different people have said this to me about the same character flaw.

I do know I don't have all the answers, and I do know that God does! I figure if God wants me to make changes, I have to continue to be prayerful for His divine guidance, because I can't do it alone... and I don't have to have all the answers!

Never Being Able to Get Enough

Have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, lest you be filled with it and vomit. Proverbs 25:16

Can you ever get too much of a good thing? I never could. I remember that when I was growing up, on holidays, we had the table loaded with all types of foods, and many different types of food. Only on these occasions, we left the food out for the afternoon, so everyone could come back and eat again, when they were hungry.

I would eat until I was stuffed, but periodically through the afternoon, I would mentally ask myself, "Are you hungry yet?" I would be excited when I thought I was almost hungry and would have another opportunity to stuff some more down. I thought that would give me pleasure to have as many extra servings of these special foods, but it didn't. Instead, it just left me sick to my stomach and too full to do much of anything.

All those years, I could never get enough to fill me up, but what I was really trying to do was fill my aching soul. I thought some type of food could do that, but it never could. The only thing that has given me that satisfied feeling, is when I let Christ be in control of my food, body, and eating. Yes, I do backtrack, at times. Fortunately for me, Christ shows me when I start falling back into old destructive eating patterns. He always welcomes me, despite whatever backsliding I've done and He loves me no matter what my size is. He has also to love myself, as well.

Since I applying this Bible verse to my own life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

Eating to Satisfy a Hungry Soul

 The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the stomach of the wicked shall be in want. Proverbs 13:25.

So many years, I had it all backwards. I wasn't eating to satisfy my soul. I was eating, because I was stressed, unhappy, angry or bored! Sometimes I didn't even realize that I felt these ways, but I never felt satisfied no matter how much I ate!

I was eating to satisfy a hungry soul, not real hunger. I didn't realize this all those years I allowed this to steal my happiness and self-esteem from me. When I asked Christ to be in charge of my food, body, eating, and stress, He started showing me that no longer had to let these control my life. 

I didn't need to feed my hungry soul, because Christ did. When I gave up trying to be in control all aspects of my life, and control those who hurt or disappointed me, my life was totally different. I had a satisfying sense of calm in my life, that doesn't come from feeling full. It only came from the positive influence had on my life. I know this sounds like I wasn't a Christian before, but I was. I just tried to be in control of things all those years, and things only changed when I let Christ be in control of things!

Since I applying this Bible verse to my own life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

The Only One I Harmed Was Me, but That Wasn't Good Either

 For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence. Proverbs 4:17

I used to eat, stuffing food down in my mouth, as if it were a weapon. I would eat thinking about all mean insensitive things that others did to me. I would eat over what I thought they thought about me. I ate over what I thought was their disapproval of me and my size. 

I would eat, as if I was punishing them for all the hurtful, wicked, things they said and did, but did I? No, for the only one I harmed was me, but that wasn't good either! In fact, I was hurting myself while I was mentally trying to pay them back for disregarding me and my contributions as a person. 

The thing I learned, when I started turning my food, body, eating, and stress over into Christ's very capable hands, was usually, these people weren't really all that focused on me. I just thought they were. Regardless if they were or not, it wasn't right for me to eat thinking hateful, wicked things to those other people. In that case, I was the one who was the one who was eating the bread of wickedness. Fortunately, Christ has shown me there is a better way. When I am angry or stressed, I can turn these hurt, angry feelings into Christ's very capable hands and He will heal my aching soul, if I let Him.

Since I applying this Bible verse to my own life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

Eating the Bread of Sorrows

 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows, for so He [the Lord God] gives His beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2

Sure, there were evenings, years before I turned my food over into God's very capable hands, where I stayed up late eating. Fortunately for me, that's not the case, these days! The thing is, I can't take credit for any of it.  I didn't just decide to eat differently. I didn't will it to happen. I didn't make an elaborate plan or go on a specific diet. I just gave up! Yes, you heard me right...I just gave up!

I gave up trying to diet. I gave up on trying to ever be thin, because I had been putting my life on hold all those years, until I was finally thin! I just plain...gave up! I had been on more diets and food programs than I could mention, and some multiple times, at that. I even had staples put in my ears, because that was the current weight loss fun, all to no avail, but a big medical bill.

No matter what I tried, it didn't work, or not for long. I felt like a failure and felt I would never be thin, so I just gave up! I sat down on my bed, over 30 years ago and said, "God, if You ever want me to be thin, You'll have to do it, because I can't. I give up!' You know what? I wasn't expecting anything to happen when I gave up, but it was that very same day, that Christ made the difference in my life. No more did I stay up late to eat the bread of sorrow, over the stressors in my life. I started turning these over into Christ's very capable hands. That made all the difference and He can do it for you, if you truly give up trying to be in control, and turn these things over to Him!"

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

I Shouldn't Have Skipped Lunch

 Hungry and thirsty, Their soul fainted in them. Psalm 107:5

I'm somewhat embarrassed to compare myself to the Israelites who wandered through the wilderness and were hungry, but I sure did relate to this verse! I didn't eat lunch until 11:00 a.m., so when it was lunch time, I wasn't hungry yet. You got it! About an hour before dinner, I was really hungry! I didn't want to eat a sandwich, because my husband had made dinner. I had already eaten two apple earlier when I ate at 11:00, so that didn't seem like an option.

I figured that since I didn't have any bread at lunch time, I could have some corn tortilla chips. Although they are O.K. for me to eat, I usually eat three meals with my breads/carbs evenly divided between all three meals. Therefore, I rarely eat them.  It wasn't a very good decision, although it sounded reasonable at the time!

I ate at least half the bag of tortilla chips! Why did that happen? First of all, I was tired and hungry and I should have prayed about it rather than giving in to skewed logic! Usually, I pray when I feel tempted. The thing is, I must have been rationalizing things, because I didn't even think I was being tempted! Isn't it amazing how Satan can use our vulnerabilities and try to work a wedge in our relationship with our Lord and Savior! Fortunately for me, Christ picks me back up and moves me forward. I am so very blessed and so are you! He will do the same for you if you let Him!

Since I am writing how I've applied this Bible verse to my own life, you should know that it doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

It Tasted Like Honey

 How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

My husband was sitting at the island eating these thin cookies that looked like they are made with phyllo dough. They look light and look like they have lots of layers. I made the mistake of saying, "If I were going to blow my food program, it would be for cookies like that!" Of course, by thoughtful husband said, "Just try one." I told him no, but he insisted, so I tried a portion of one, thinking I'd made this compromise.

I broke off a small corner of the cookie and it was light and flaky and it tasted like honey in my mouth. I was already thinking that I could go back and snag the other three cookies that were in the container. It hadn't been long since I had that episode with the pumpkin pie where I started slip-sliding into old eating patterns. 

Christ had it on my heart, that it's much easier to return the remainder of the cookie rather to slip deeper into that pattern. He was right, so I did it immediately, although the taste lingers in the taste receptors of my brain. Christ saved me from myself over 30 years ago and the negative influence sweets have had on my life. This verse reminds me of what is important.  How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

Since I am writing how I've applied this Bible verse to my own life, you should know that it doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

The Desires of Your Heart

 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

I had made pumpkin pies from scratch and had given a small one to three of our neighbors. I used a different recipe that called for more spices and the tops of the pies were freckled with various spices. A neighbor commented on how the pie looked different from store bought pumpkin pies. Then, insecure part of me started to worry. What if the pies made with this new recipe didn't taste good and I had already given them to neighbors.

I figured I would take a small slice out of the pie I had made for my husband to make sure it tasted alright. Although the pies were speckled with spices, they had the most amazing flavor. In fact, it was one of the best pumpkin pies I had ever made from scratch! It was so good, that I went back and cut a healthy sized piece of pumpkin pie. It had been quite a while since I had used the: "If I'm going to blow things, I might as well blow it big-time" strategy. The thing is, I wanted to eat the whole rest of the pie!!! It was like this desire had overcome me and I didn't want to deny it, although I know how sweets affect me, my moods, and my blood sugar.

I don't usually have this much trouble avoiding sweets, but the desire to eat it was overwhelming! Fortunately for me, Christ had the thought in my mind about how I used to turn to food for comfort, instead of Him, and how food had become a false god in my life. I still struggled with the desire to eat the whole pie, so I went into my bedroom and prayed! The desire of my heart wasn't to have the whole pie, it is to be in relationship with Christ, so what happened? Usually that means that I've come to take my relationship with Christ for granted, which saddens me deeply!

Since I am writing how I've applied this Bible verse to my own life, you should know that it doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie


"You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you; there for I command you this thing today." Deuteronomy 15:15

I had recently had the issue with wanting to eat the whole pumpkin pie, when I rarely, if ever, eat sweets. The Lord showed me years ago, that Satan used that weakness to keep me from being the person that Christ knew I could be. When I ate sweets, they affected my moods and when the sugar high wore off and my blood sugar would plummet, I would get a case of what I call the cranky-crabbies. It affected my relationship with my family, my friends, and my Lord and Savior.

Fortunately, Christ showed me years ago, that I can turn my eating, my stress, and life over to His very capable hands. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to fall back into old patterns when I sampled the pumpkin pie and wanted to eat the whole thing. After Christmas dinner, I was asked about keeping leftovers of this special sweet potato and cranberry dish that has become a family tradition. 

Then, Christ had me remember that last year, when I took left overs of this favorite dish,  I had started exhibiting the cranky-crabbies again after eating it a few times. I love it and it's delicious, but I'm setting myself up for failure again, to take these wonderful leftovers! I am so blessed that Christ had me remember and stick to the resolve He gave me! The Lord redeemed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, but He also redeemed me from slavery to sweets and foods that are not healthy for me! 

Since I am writing how I've applied this Bible verse to my own life, you should know that it doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: