Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

I Wanted to be Catty, but Wasn't-It Isn't What Christ or my Dad Would Have Wanted

Matthew 5: 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you: 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?

After Dad had passed, they had a procession at the Veteran's Home and the majority of the staff came to witness Dad's final departure from the Veteran's Home. It was extremely moving, a tribute fit for a veteran.

After it was over, the majority of the staff standing outside came up and gave me a hug, whether I knew them or not. I told each of them, "Thank you for all you did for my Dad and all the other veterans." I said that regardless, because some of those people might have worked with Dad on different shifts, so I wanted to make sure I acknowledged all they did.

I could see this one administrative person standing down at the end of the other staff. It quickly flashed back that this person was the one who continued to try to deny my dad Physical Therapy service and want him to go on Hospice services way before it was ever necessary. I have to admit that I had a flash of resentment when I saw him there. All the other administrators and physical therapy staff were outstanding, like extended family. I was surprised when he came up to give me a hug. For a split second I wanted to be Catty, it seemed so very hypocritical that he should be there, but I knew that wasn't what Christ or my dad would have wanted, so I gave him a hug and said, "Thank you for all you did for my Dad and all the other veterans." There would have been a time when I would have eaten over something like this or held on to resentments, but Christ didn't want that either. I left feeling good that Dad will join God in heaven and I had no remorse about the interaction with that administrator.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

I Barely Stopped to Eat

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

If felt it was my place to take Dad's remaining objects, certificates, etc. and divide them among his grandchildren, so they had keepsakes of his. It became an all consuming project. I couldn't go to sleep until late, because I wanted to get it divided up and mark that off my list of things I wanted to do for Dad. 

Next, was the packing it up. I thought it wouldn't take long, but took much longer than I ever anticipated. Again, I approached this task with vigor and barely stopped to eat. I felt that when I had mailed off all the boxes to the relatives and had written the thank you cards, I would feel relieved. 

I did feel relieved, because I wanted to do it for Dad. It didn't stop the grief, though, which seems to come out when I least expect it. I'm finding that it especially comes out when I have to explain things to other people. I don't seem to feel it as much when I don't have to explain things. I think I'm possibly trying to stay busy, busy, busy, too busy to feel. I've got to keep remembering to turn my grief over to my Lord and Savior. He knows what I need.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Lunch With a Friend

1 Corinthians 15: 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

I went to lunch with a friend on the particular weekend we meet each month. I had decided to get Chicken Fried Steak, since my dad liked it so much. I like it too, but don't usually eat it often, because I have high cholesterol. This was the second time I've eaten Chicken Fried Steak in a the last week and a half.

The friend asked how I was doing and I said fine. I wanted to tell her about the excellent service we got from the funeral service that was recommended to us. That's all it took. It seemed that once I started, I told detail after detail, when they hadn't been requested.

You would think that sharing all that information would leave me feeling better, but it just left me feeling drained. I need to remember to put this grief into Christ's very capable hands.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

I Woofed Down My Food with a Gusto!

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

Last night, as I lay in bed, I realized that I put the wrong dates on 6 to 8 of my posts about my dad's "passing". See it's easier for me to say "passing" than to say "passing away" or to say "death." I've got a ways to go in the healing process.

Anyway, I had a turkey/cheese wrap I was going to eat for lunch, mainly because it had been there  for some time and I didn't want it to spoil. As I read all the post topics while I was correcting the dates on them, I had eaten both halves of the wraps in about 4 or 5 minutes. 
Now, I'm usually a pretty fast eater, but this level of woofing down food defies anything I've done in the past. It took me a few minutes to prayerfully ponder it, before realizing that it's reading all these topics about my dad's "passing." O.K. Don't be hard on me! I'm just praying my way through all of this. I think I'm doing fine and then Christ shows me that I'm just going through the motions of doing fine. I need to be more prayerful about putting all the stress and grief in Christ's very capable hands.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Eating the Chicken Fried Steak Felt Right

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

Some time after the funeral home had escorted Dad away, I told my husband I needed to go eat, because my stomach was sick, which probably had more to do with all the events of my dad's passing than it had to do with actual hunger. He decided to take us to one of the places we had taken Dad for his birthday a few years earlier.

When I saw the menu, I saw that they had a Chicken Fried Steak sandwich. I reminded me of my dad who loved Chicken Fried Steak. So, that's what I ordered. As I ate it, I was reminded of times we had taken Dad to different restaurants and he would order Chicken Fried Steak. I know it probably wasn't the best thing for me to do, but it really felt right!

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

I Woofed Down My Food as I sat Next to Dad

Hebrew 13: 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

While I was eating breakfast next to Dad, as he lay in bed after a major episode the night before, my husband came to see me. He had been staying in the hotel through the night, because I told him that I wanted to spend the night and hold Dad's hand and he should go get some rest, because he had a major dental appointment the next day to get an dental implant.

When I talked to my husband, as I woofed down my breakfast, I talked to him about his appointment. He was determined to drive back the 1 hour to the Veteran's Home as soon as they completed the implant. I didn't want him driving all that way on whatever medications they would give him, so I talked to the Hospice nurse. 

I heard that noise Dad made as he breathed, but she said it was normal. I mentioned that I had read that some people make a breathing noise just before they die (Death Rattle) and asked her if that is what it was without using the term in front of Dad. She said it was. I asked how long we might have, because I didn't want to leave Dad, but I didn't want my husband driving back from the dentist on medications that might affect his driving and safety. She told me that there's usually 24-48 hours. I asked her if that time was from last night's episode or from this morning when Dad started making that noise. She said that it's from when he started breathing like that. We talked and she felt that I could drive my husband to the appointment an hour away and come back and still be able to be with Dad and hold his hand when he passed, but it wasn't to be. Fortunately, God was there with Dad, because He never leaves, nor forsakes us.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

The Gnawing Feeling that Was Really Stress Instead of Hunger

1 Peter 3:17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

We rushed to Dad's bedside and I stayed there holding his hand through the night. Every time I had to go to void, I would used Dad's attached bathroom and ask the Hospice nurse if she could hold onto Dad's hand for me while I used the bathroom. I didn't want my dad's hand to be cold when I withdrew mine to use the lavatory.

When I got finished, I would hold Dad's hand again. At one point, the Hospice nurse went down the hall. When she returned, she asked me if I needed to have her hold Dad's hand, so I could use the bathroom. I told her no, because Dad was holding my hand, at that point. It wasn't that Dad's hand was just laying on my hand and he wasn't squeezing my hand in pain. Dad was holding my hand in a comforting manner which I truly cherish every time I think of it.

When the nurse came in to check on Dad at 6:00, I asked if she would get me a guest tray for breakfast. I thought the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach was hunger, but it really was from the stress of everything, but I was so very, very happy to be there with Dad through all of this. 

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

All Too Soon Fatherless

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

At first, I picked this verse, because it had the word visit in it. I wanted to tell you about the visit we had with Dad, but will explain more later. We went to the Veteran's Home to visit Dad like we usually do. I was a bit apprehensive, because a week earlier I had signed the Hospice papers, because Dad told the nurse that he wanted extra support for pain that Hospice could give him. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw Dad that day.

Actually, Dad looked pretty good. We had lunch together. He ate most of a cup of soup and crackers. The Veteran's Home has wonderful soup that always tastes like homemade. Dad let me feed him three orange jellos. He ate his jello, my husband's and my jello. He let me take his fortified ice cream and milk shake flavored drink to make a milk shake for him and he let me give him every last drop. Now, me, on the other hand, woofed down my meal in five minutes flat. It's a really bad habit I've developed over the years. 

After going back and spending some time with Dad in his room, we headed back home. We had finished watching Heartland, one of our favorite series from Netflix, when we got the call as we were headed for bed. The nurse asked how far away I was, which told me a lot. I asked if I should come and they said that they can't make that call. I asked if it were her dad would she go and she said yes! I told her it takes at least an hour to drive there, but we were packing our bags and heading right there to see Dad as soon as we could possibly get there. I didn't know that within 24 hours I would be one of the fatherless. Fortunately, my heavenly Father was there with me through it all.

These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write:

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: