Proverbs 4:4 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget My words or turn away from them. NIV
Recently, I saw someone I knew was dieting, who ate all the holiday decorated treats we had bought together, rather than share them with the younger generation. I was quick to be judgmental about this. It is my impression that God doesn't like it when I judge others, because He immediately had it on my heart, about how I didn't allow my daughter to share Pippin Apples, similar to Granny Smith apples.
I wasn't compassionate, in fact, the fangs and claws came out! I made my generous daughter feel bad about sharing the apples with her friends, because I said there wouldn't be enough for our family. That wasn't accurate, because those were mine!!!
How quickly I've forgotten, when I did the same thing the other person did, and worse. Fortunately for me, Christ had this memory flash back within my heart, so I had more empathy for the struggle that food can pose. This was especially significant for me, because it was one of the many lessons Christ had for me, when He showed me how food or the desire for food, had become a false god in my life. I'm so glad He's shown me that I can put those temptations into His very capable hands. I'm not perfect, as this post shows, but I am blessed by a Heavenly Father, who is perfect and forgives all my many shortcomings.