I've tried to figure it out over the years, why God took control of my food, body, stress and eating on the same day that I gave up, because they seem so opposite of each other. That was what was the difference! All those years, I had tried to stay in control of my food, body, stress and eating, to no avail. Sure I would ask Christ to help me stop eating so much, but that was the problem. I was trying to be in control and have God wait in the wings, in case I couldn't do it on my own.
Over the years, Christ has shown me what works for my body and what doesn't. I can't eat more than 3 breads a day or else I start gaining weight, if I eat a fourth portion very often. In that I mean: 1 slice of bread, rice, baked potato, pasta, slice of pizza, breading on fried chicken, etc. Well, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's difficult to get light bread. I've used that for years, because instead of having half of a sandwich for lunch, I can have a whole sandwich, because each piece of light bread has half the calories of regular bread. It's difficult to get light bread, because of the food shortages, so I've been making whole sandwiches. I love eating a whole sandwich of regular bread, but that is the problem. When things or particular foods become too important to me, they become false gods in my life. Christ showed me that all those years of being so overweight, I was turning to food for comfort in time of stress, etc. rather than turning to Him. I need to make sure that regular bread doesn't become too important to me, that I don't enjoy it so much that I start gaining the weight back. More important than that, I don't want it becoming a false god in my life, something I need to turn over to Christ's very capable hands, because He can free me from this, like He's done so many times over the years. The thing is, He can do it for you too, if you turn your food, body, stress and eating over to Him to be in control instead of you. Giving up control wasn't easy, but was one of the best decisions I ever made, because I lost weight, but of more importance, I gained an even closer relationship with Christ, my Savior.
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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