They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved. Psalm 78:18 NIV Bible
This Bible verse is extremely appropriate for this post! I had been thinking about having some peanuts in the shell for a couple of days. I kind of scoped out a time when my eating was balanced, so that eating them wouldn't throw off my food program. I picked a night when I hadn't eaten much protein, and the dinner was somewhat light, and I ate almost every peanut that I put in that cereal bowl.
Sure, I'm using the cereal bowl for my maximum measurement for peanuts in the shell, instead of the large soup bowls I used to use. But I maxed out how many peanuts could fit in the bowl without spilling over! Sure, I was trying to balance having a splurge like this with the other foods I've eaten. But I wanted those peanuts in the shell, too much! Sure, I didn't get more peanuts after I finished the bowl, but it's that the desire for these peanuts was like a plot that I had secretly contrived in my heart!
Maybe having a healthy snack every now-and-then, isn't too bad, but it's when food becomes too important to me, that it can lead to my downfall. Before, the Lord God showed me how food had become a false god to me, because I turned to it for comfort instead of turning to Him, to calm whatever is stressing me. I was ignoring those warning signs that had cropped up within me. I need to be very prayerful about when I crave things, instead of turning to the Lord God, my Savior!