Since the COVID-19 pandemic and Social Distancing Christ has given me a very strong sense of calm and He continues to remind me that I need to turn to Him in times of stress and not food. That's been wonderful and He's even allowed me to lose some of the extra pounds that I have been lugging around for about 20 years. These are some of the pounds that I gained back after Jesus allowed me an 80+ pound weight loss and His allowing it to stay off for over 30 years.
I didn't stress much over the 20 extra pounds I had gained back, mainly because I had rationalized it. I felt it just had to do with maturing and the extra pounds that go with it. Anyway, I went from feeling O.K. with my body, bulges and all and now that I've lost 10-12 pounds, all of a sudden I'm looking to see if there is a physical difference in my body and I was disappointed that although my pants fit, they didn't fit as loosely as I had hoped for. I need to turn this all over into Christ's very capable hands, because I don't want to fall back into old human patterns!
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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A Christian Caregiver
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Types of Christians
A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
It's Not Coool 2 Bully!
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How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
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Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
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