Psalm 145:7 They celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness. NIV Bible
My husband and I went out to celebrate our anniversary. We were really delighted, because it was one of those milestone anniversaries, which was significant to us, since we are 'remarrieds'. That means we each have previously been in a marriage that didn't work, and we got remarried. So, having a marriage that is working out over time, seems worth celebrating!
We went to lunch with friends to celebrate! We got a gift card to a restaurant from family members to celebrate this occasion. We also went out to eat out of town to celebrate! It makes me think, Does celebrating have to involve food? It seems the people we know thinks it does. Couldn't we have just spent the day together doing something we both enjoy? Could we have gone for a nice drive in the country instead of going out to eat? These are all possibilities that we'll have to be mindful of in future years!
Now, the celebrating in the Bible passage listed is also a joyful occasion. They are celebrating the Lord God's abundant goodness. When we looked back on our marriage that has its ups and downs, but still works, we appreciated the abundant goodness the Lord God shared with us, by allowing us to be married to each other all these years. Fortunately for us, Christ helped us iron out the glitches along the way!