Mark 13: 10 And the
gospel must first be published among all nations.
I know Christ wants us to share the Bible among all the nations, but I have to periodically re-evaluate whether I'm doing my part. All too many times, I realize that I fall short of doing all that I possibly can do. When I realize how inadequate I am to do as God wants I have found myself inclined to overeat instead of prayerfully dealing with this directly with my Lord.
So, a couple of months ago, I felt led to create a podcast to share the message about Christ on another level. I fought it tooth and nail, because it was definitely out of my comfort zone! Eventually, I tried my first, then my second podcast, and currently have 31 episodes that can be heard for free on Anchor at: or on Google Podcasts or Breaker or Spotify or Radio Public or there is a Relate2theBible Podcast link below on this blog.
The problem is three-fold. I'm not any high-tech podcaster. I have some hesitations in my voice from time-to-time. I don't have a budget for this free podcast, so I use a Kalimba from Kenya that I bought at a Free-Trade Store to make my own improvised music for my podcast Intros and Outros. The very biggest hurdle I have is how to get these podcast episodes out there, so others know about it-otherwise I'm not really sharing the Gospel and I'm just going through the motions. Please be prayerful about helping me spread the Gospel with others. Please share any of the posts from the 15 different Christian blogs and/or the Relate2theBible Podcast that I've felt led to create. Thanks so much! Debbie
Kalimba from Kenya
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
Bible Study: Relating the Bible to YOUR Life!
Types of Christians
A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
It's Not Coool 2 Bully!
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
Free 2 Share VBS (Free VBS Curriculum
Christian Overeaters Past and Present Support Links
Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
Video Answers About God, Jesus, Creation, Disaster, Etc. via You Tube
Types of Christians
A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
It's Not Coool 2 Bully!
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
Free 2 Share VBS (Free VBS Curriculum
Christian Overeaters Past and Present Support Links
Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
Video Answers About God, Jesus, Creation, Disaster, Etc. via You Tube