John 14: 27 Peace I
leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
I started the morning with trying on a blouse that was too tight and had to change it. It caused me to take stock in my recent eating decisions and my negating the impact these food choices was having on my body.
I was very blessed that Christ allowed me a weight loss of over 80 pounds and has allowed the vast majority of it to stay off for over 30 years! What am I doing? For one, I'm be disrespectful when I ignore all Christ has done for me, according to the food choices I've been making of late.
Usually, when I start slip sliding into old unhealthy eating patterns, something is going on and I'm hiding behind the food. Maybe it's that my doctor thought I needed to see a neurologist to gets some tests. I check on-line to see the types of health issues that could require a neurologist or the tests mentioned and it put me in a fear mode.
I type that, but I said to myself and to others that I trusted Christ implicitly with my health issues, but was that the case? I think that I'm becoming aware while writing this, that I wasn't totally trusting Christ the way I said and I was taking comfort, instead, in the food that I was eating in large quantities, even though it was just fruit. Christ showed me a long time ago, that any time I turn to food for comfort instead of Him, the food has become a false god to me. This makes me so sad, because I thought I was long past making food a false god in my life, but obviously, I was wrong! I need to pray and ask Christ's forgiveness and ask Him to refocus me.
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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