I am so thankful for God's personal reminder to me through this Bible verse. He reminds me that I plot things out, figuring step-by-step what I should do or say in a particular situation, but God knows the Big Picture. He knows exactly what I should do, not what I planned to do. God knows the hearts of the people I am dealing with and exactly what the people need to hear, not what I planned to say.
I need to be more mindful of turning my words (things I say) and my actions (things I do) over into God's very capable hands. You would not imagine how many times I've fretted over a future situations eating to console the knotted feeling in my stomach. That feeling is a physical indicator that I need to turn those situations and worries over into God's very capable hands.
When I do, things fall into place. The things that I do, when I'm open to being led, are just what they needed to be. The things I say, when I'm letting God guide my words, are so perfect that I will later be amazed at how well they flowed together and set a positive tone to the conversation. I need to be a Big Picture Christian, turning everything over to Christ who always sees the Big Picture! A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9