This is such an amazing Bible passage. Am I truly being a Beacon of Light for Jesus? Sure, I go through the motions of sharing lots of my many inadequacies with blog readers, hoping that readers will see that if Jesus can love me in spite of all my many faults, He can sure love them, as well.
But, am I truly being a Beacon of Light for Jesus? Sure, I contribute to what I think are worthy causes, but that is usually a low risk thing. By giving money to a good cause, possibly shows the individuals that Christ cares enough about them to provide for them.
But, am I truly being a Beacon of Light for Jesus? While I was writing the other two paragraphs, I realized that although I go through the motions, I do it from a distance. I'm not personally risking. Sure, people can log off my blog posts if they are so inclined, but that's not a personal risk. Sure, people can complain that the donations are not enough, not the right type, etc., but that's not a personal risk. I guess, Christ is calling me to share my faith personally with others. Yep! BIG RISK! BIG RISK! I'm not very good at that. But, if Jesus is leading me to this, maybe I just need to lean on Him and put my fears in Jesus' very capable hands and let Him lead me to what He truly wants me to do to be a Beacon for Him! (I have to admit, I've felt that He's been leading me to do Podcasts with some or all of my blog posts. This is out of my comfort level and involves more personal risk. Please be prayerful with me about this. Thanks!)
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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Types of Christians
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