Mark 14:38 Watch ye
and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the
flesh is weak.
You would think that after a major miracle where Christ allowed a weight loss of 80+ pounds and for the vast majority of it to stay off for over 30 years, I would be extra careful to not slip back into old eating patterns. I wish I could tell you that I have will power of steel, but that's just not the case. I've been weak more times than I'd like to remember!
It doesn't take much to get me into slip sliding down that path either. My husband can start snacking in the evenings and then it seems that sooner than later, I'm starting to snack in the evenings. At first, I will have only healthy snacks, but after awhile, they aren't readily available or they don't look so appealing and I find myself starting to indulge in things that I know I should have.
Does that knowledge stop me? Well, not a first, but at some point, Christ does remind me what I'm doing. I try to pray right away, because He doesn't have to go out of His way to remind me, but He does. I ask His forgiveness and ask Him to get me focused on the right track. Sure, I might notice not having a snack the first couple of evenings, but I can put that into Jesus' very capable hands and He gets me through snack withdrawals and aims me on the correct path. If He can do this for me, He can most definitely do it for you, too, that is, if you pray and trust Him to!
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
Creation: What's It Matter?
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