For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit;
neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Luke 6:43
Am I a Corrupt Tree, because I've gained back weight? Well, I'm going to find out as I type this. I'm not sure that I've explained lately, but Christ often works through typing these blog posts. While I'm writing them, I'm prayerfully contemplating the lessons that Christ wants me to learn through them, or insights He has for me to share that might be beneficial to others.
It's true that I recently gained 13 pounds. I was surprised, because I thought my food program was basically aligned with what Christ had shown me about what works for my body and what doesn't. In hindsight, I realize that I ate 4 or 5 pieces of pizza when we had a recent family birthday celebration. No matter how much I might want to deny it, it's what I did and it's had a major impact on my weight, coupled with some other eating poor choices I made around that time.
Does that make me a Corrupt Tree? It's undeniable that we all have a sinful human nature, but when we turn to our Lord, He can take our weaknesses and use them for His good. This blog is an example of that. Christ has used my many weaknesses in order to help others know He loves them despite their size, weight gains or losses. He uses our weaknesses to lead us closer to Him, to be open to His healing touch in our lives, if we let Him. Jesus has healed my overeating before. I am certain that if I'm humble and turn to Him, instead of to food (a false god for me), especially in times of stress, He will lead me back to a healthy weight. Now, 23 pounds might not sound like much to lose, but it's not so much the weight as it is a sign that I've taken my weight loss and my relationship with my Lord and Savior for granted. I am praying for an humble heart. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Luke 6:43
Am I a Corrupt Tree, because I've gained back weight? Well, I'm going to find out as I type this. I'm not sure that I've explained lately, but Christ often works through typing these blog posts. While I'm writing them, I'm prayerfully contemplating the lessons that Christ wants me to learn through them, or insights He has for me to share that might be beneficial to others.
It's true that I recently gained 13 pounds. I was surprised, because I thought my food program was basically aligned with what Christ had shown me about what works for my body and what doesn't. In hindsight, I realize that I ate 4 or 5 pieces of pizza when we had a recent family birthday celebration. No matter how much I might want to deny it, it's what I did and it's had a major impact on my weight, coupled with some other eating poor choices I made around that time.
Does that make me a Corrupt Tree? It's undeniable that we all have a sinful human nature, but when we turn to our Lord, He can take our weaknesses and use them for His good. This blog is an example of that. Christ has used my many weaknesses in order to help others know He loves them despite their size, weight gains or losses. He uses our weaknesses to lead us closer to Him, to be open to His healing touch in our lives, if we let Him. Jesus has healed my overeating before. I am certain that if I'm humble and turn to Him, instead of to food (a false god for me), especially in times of stress, He will lead me back to a healthy weight. Now, 23 pounds might not sound like much to lose, but it's not so much the weight as it is a sign that I've taken my weight loss and my relationship with my Lord and Savior for granted. I am praying for an humble heart. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Luke 6:43