Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Not as Patient as I Should Be

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Romans 12:12

This Bible verse says that I should be patient in tribulation, but am I? I am definitely not as patient as I should be. I recently found out that I had gained 13 pounds back in addition to 10 pounds I had been toying with for years. I could put blinders on to ignore the excess weight until almost all of my capris barely zipped up. It had gotten to the point I could no longer ignore it.

I had taken for granted the gift Christ gave me 30+ years ago when I prayed, "God, if you ever want me to lose the weight, you'll have to do it, because I can't." I had prayed for years for God to help me to lose weight, but I guess that I hadn't completely given up control and turned it over to my Savior's capable hands. It was that very day that I no longer craved sweets, excessive carbs, and large amounts of food.

I'm sad that I had gotten sloppy with my eating program and my relationship with Christ. I've turned my food, body, and eating over to Christ. I used to do that every day, but had been forgetting to do it on a regular basis. Although I forgot about Christ, He never forgot about me. You would think I would be more thankful, but I find myself not being patient in this tribulation. I keep expecting my  pants to fit immediately. Every time I put on a tight pair, it reminds me of how I've taken too much for granted. Maybe, that reminder is exactly what I need!!! Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Romans 12:12

Not Enduring Food Temptations

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. James 1: 12

Well, this passage talks about those who endure temptation, but I did a horrible job of it. I knew that different pairs of my pants barely fit these days,  but I still chose to get a Stromboli when we went out to dinner to celebrate my husband's birthday.

Now, did I have other options? You bet. I had decided that I was going to order the Stromboli without even looking at any of the potentially healthier choices on the menu. Did I forget that I had recently eaten at 2 different buffets, the week before. I didn't forget, but chose not to focus on it when I ate the Stromboli.

It was the day after I ate the Stromboli that I finally got on the scale to weigh. I had given up on using the scale, because I had the tendency to let it tell me how to feel about myself. My general rule of thumb when Christ took my urge to eat sweets and large amounts of food away was to let my pants be my guide. Was I doing that? No, my pants had been tight for a month or so, before I finally had gotten on the scale. I made all types of excuses like: I was just bloated, was constipated, etc. I deluded myself into thinking I hadn't been gaining weight from being sloppy with my food program and my relationship with Christ. Fortunately for me, Jesus has shown me that I haven't been enduring temptation and need to turn these over into His capable hands if I let Him. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. James 1: 12

One Bad Choice After Another

And not only, so but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3

We were out of town to celebrate family birthdays. During that time, I arranged for us to eat at 2 different buffets, my personal downfall. That's not to mention the family gathering pizza party I arranged. You would think that would be enough, but then I went to a Chinese buffet this week with other family. You would think I would have learned. It seems that I have been making one bad choice after another!

Fortunately for me, Jesus doesn't give up on me or you easily. He keeps showing me and trying to redirect me, hoping I listen to His guidance on how to live a healthier life. On the flip side, Satan tries to dangle those things that tempt us, so that it might work a wedge between us and our Savior.

I know 30+ years ago, before I turned my food, body, and eating over into Christ's capable hands, I wouldn't go to church as often, because I was embarrassed in my clothes. I was cranky with my family and those I cared about, because I was so unhappy about my weight. These things kept me from being the person Christ wanted me to be. When I gave up and told "God that if You ever wanted me to be thin, You'll have to do it, because I can't," everything started falling into place. My cravings for sweets, large amounts of food, and carbs left that same day. I'm trying to turn these over to Christ, instead of taking Him and His gift for granted. And not only, so but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3

Mindful of the Eating Mistakes I've Been Making

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14: 27

I've been trying to be mindful of the eating mistakes I've been making that have recently caught up with me. Christ allowed me to loose 80 pounds and keep the vast majority of it off for 30+ years. My eating program has gradually gotten sloppy, which means my relationship with Christ has gotten sloppy, as well.

In prayerful contemplation of this, I'm trying to become more aware of things that may have contributed to this. I had read several articles and books that said eating nuts and sunflower seeds were foods to keep healthy. So, did I do that in reason? The extra 13 pounds I've recently gained lets me know the honest answer. Yes, these foods are healthy, but I recently read something that says you are to have up to 2 Tablespoons of nuts daily, not half a cup. The same is true of the sunflower seeds. To be honest, I think I was using a 1/3 to 1/2 cup of both each day. 

So, although I haven't been eating sweets, eating excessive amounts of nuts and seeds adds up over time. Of course, there are many more poor choices I made along with these, like going to 3 different buffets within a week, that contributed to the 13 pounds I gained. That, in addition to the 10 pounds I have been toying with for years, means 23 pounds I have added by being sloppy with my food program. 

Again, the weight gain isn't as devastating as knowing that I realized I had gotten sloppy with my relationship with my Savior. I found 30+ years ago, when I turned my food, body, and eating over to Christ's very capable hands, I was filled with total sense of calm. I don't want to lose this calm feeling, but I especially want my relationship with Christ to be a priority in my life, not something I take for granted. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14: 27

If I'm a Christian, Do My Actions Show in the Buffet Line?

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

 So, if I'm to be an example of how the Lord works in me, and I'm pigging out at the Chinese buffet, am I being a good example to my family and others there? If people know I'm a Christian, do my actions show in the buffet line? I know there have been many times when I have raced to get the last of something I really wanted, knowing someone else wanted it too. 

There have been times that I have filled my plate so high that it makes even strangers gawk wondering how I can eat all of that. Somehow, I convinced myself that I would only fill one plate at the buffet, so I really make that plate count. It takes extreme precision and balance to walk back without spilling the mountain of food on my plate.

Similarly, I have found that buffets are a weakness of mine, but I planned some family gatherings a week ago and two of the them were at buffets. Not to mention a trip to the buffet that I arranged this week for the younger ones. Am I walking in faith and purity, if I do things that for one aren't healthy for my body, but also work a wedge in my relationship with Christ? Fortunately for me, Christ has this on my heart, because I need to turn it over to His very capable hands. I need to be a much better example of my faith!  Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

I Don't Have to Keep Back Sliding

 For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:8

 This Bible verse is very appropriate. I don't have to keep back sliding. Yes, I gained 13 pounds in addition to the 10 I have been toying with for the last few years. That doesn't mean that since I got off track, I have to stay there.

It was Christ who allowed the loss of 80 pounds over 30 years ago and allowed the vast majority of it to stay off all these years. If I stand fast in the Lord and focus on His will in my life, body, and eating, I feel confident that He will heal them. It's only when I get to thinking that "I can do it", things go down the tubes.

It's when I stand fast in the Lord, not focusing on what I think "I can do," my life has this overwhelming sense of calm, even in the midst of devastating issues and stress. I don't have to worry about the weight, just stand fast in the Lord and listen to the lessons He has for me. One of the biggest lessons was when He showed me 30+ years ago that food had become a false god in my life, because I had been turning to it for comfort instead of turning to Christ.  For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:8

Busy Making Excuses...

Colossians 3: 1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

 When my pants would barely zip shut and I was afraid to sit down, I realized it was time to see if I had gained weight. Now, my pants had been tight for some time, but I was too busy making excuses to really focus on how sloppy I had gotten with my food program and my relationship with Christ.

During the loss of 80 pounds, Christ allowed me to see so many different lessons that I seemed to be avoiding, lately. You wouldn't think that would happen when He's allowed the vast majority of my weight to stay off for over 30 years. The thing is, Satan knows my weaknesses and sees when I'm vulnerable and knows just how and when he can work a wedge in my relationship with Jesus. If I weren't so busy making excuses, I might have turned my food, body, and eating over into my Savior's very capable hands as I had 30+ years ago. Instead, I allowed myself to think I can work these issues out on my own. 

The thing is, trying to be in control has been my downfall over the years. It wasn't until I had tried all the diets and finally gave up, saying to God, "If you ever want me to be thin, God, You'll have to do it, because I give up!" You know what? He did and it didn't happen six days, six weeks, or six months later. It started happening that very same day. Christ took away my urge to eat large quantities of food and my desire for sweets and excessive carbs. In the process, He showed me that I had made food a false god and had turned to food for comfort in times of stress, instead of turning to Christ for comfort and reassurance. I regret that I allowed an opportunity for Satan to come between me and my Savior. I know that when I set my affection on Christ above, instead of food, He will take care of this too! Colossians 3: 1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Am I a Corrupt Tree, because I've Gained Back Weight?

For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Luke 6:43 

Am I a Corrupt Tree, because I've gained back weight? Well, I'm going to find out as I type this. I'm not sure that I've explained lately, but Christ often works through typing these blog posts. While I'm writing them, I'm prayerfully contemplating the lessons that Christ wants me to learn through them, or insights He has for me to share that might be beneficial to others. 

It's true that I recently gained 13 pounds. I was surprised, because I thought my food program was basically aligned with what Christ had shown me about what works for my body and what doesn't. In hindsight, I realize that I ate 4 or 5 pieces of pizza when we had a recent family birthday celebration. No matter how much I might want to deny it, it's what I did and it's had a major impact on my weight, coupled with some other eating poor choices I made around that time.

Does that make me a Corrupt Tree? It's undeniable that we all have a sinful human nature, but when we turn to our Lord, He can take our weaknesses and use them for His good. This blog is an example of that. Christ has used my many weaknesses in order to help others know He loves them despite their size, weight gains or losses. He uses our weaknesses to lead us closer to Him, to be open to His healing touch in our lives, if we let Him. Jesus has healed my overeating before. I am certain that if I'm humble and turn to Him, instead of to food (a false god for me), especially in times of stress, He will lead me back to a healthy weight. Now, 23 pounds might not sound like much to lose, but it's not so much the weight as it is a sign that I've taken my weight loss and my relationship with my Lord and Savior for granted. I am praying for an humble heart. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Luke 6:43 

Trying to Pay Attention

Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou are made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. John 5:14

After Christ's allowing me to loose 80 pounds and keep the vast majority of the weight off for over 30 years, I was very surprised to find I had gained 13 pounds in addition to the 10 I had gained back years ago. My pants were getting very tight, which was my cue that my eating must be off. After lots of prayerful consideration, I tried to be open to the lessons that Christ had for me about this.

We were out of town a week ago to celebrate family birthdays. We went to a Chinese buffet the first night we were there. It's really difficult for me to remember exactly what I ate that night, but I remember being extra hungry from the long trip there. I thought I had done well in preparing an almond butter sandwich on light bread for the way there. I must have been feeling smug, because I remember getting a whole bowl of cherries when a small handful would have sufficed. 

Well, that prideful, smug feeling is a personal pride that is counterproductive to focusing on Jesus' providing for me. In that, I am very sorry and ashamed. I have really tried to have a humble heart, but have gotten lax and have let prideful feelings creep in. Fortunately for me, Christ is very forgiving!  Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou are made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. John 5:14

I Deluded Myself...

But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.  Matthew 9:13
Boy, I really deluded myself this time! I looked up the meaning of deluded to make sure I was using it correctly. It's hard to take the teacher out of the blogger! It means to cause someone to believe something that's not true. That's exactly it! I lead myself to believe that both my food program and my eating were currently aligned with what Christ wants for me.

Christ allowed me to have a weight loss of over 80 pounds and to keep the vast majority of it off for 30+ years. In that time, He showed me that food had become a false god in my life. I was turning to food in times of stress instead of turning to my Lord and Savior.  Through this, I stopped weighing myself, because I gave too much power to the scale. It told me if I was "good" or if I was "bad", if I was going to be"happy" or "sad." Instead, if my pants started getting snug on me, it told me that I was getting sloppy with my eating program, which also meant that I was getting sloppy with my relationship with Jesus. 

I had been ten pounds from my goal weight for several years, but didn't worry about it. Since my pants had gotten snug to the point I thought my pants zipper might break open in public, I decided it was time to weigh myself. Was I ever surprised! I had gained about 13 pounds along with the 10 pounds I already had. Now, I had 23 pounds pounds and couldn't delude myself any longer! The worst part of this, more than the weight gain, is finding out that my relationship with Christ was sloppy and I hadn't realized it. Since He showed me this, I've been trying to see where I went off-track. I will share these in the next few posts or so. I am so glad Jesus was sent to save the sinners, because I sure am one and am so grateful for all He does for me.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.  Matthew 9:13

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: