As I apply the Bible verses to my life, I find these verses are important to remember what it was like when I was overweight, eating compulsively, had a low self-esteem, and avoided interacting with others. Every now and then, I might see someone who is going through something similar to what I did for so many years. It's easy to let Satan pull me into being self-righteous and being judgmental of the person/s who are overeating or overweight the way that I was before I turned my food, body, eating and stress into Christ's very capable hands.
God wants me, as well as everyone, to be compassionate to others who are experiencing difficult in any area of their life, whether with vices, life style choices, etc. He doesn't want us becoming complacent with were we now are and become the one who is judging others or making fun of them.
This passage shows me that Christ wants me to value mercy (compassionate understanding) and truth (that I am a sinful human being, as are all of us). We are supposed to write this on our hearts, so that we never let Satan blindly lead us to judging others and making fun of them in whatever predicament they may be experiencing, at that point.
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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