John 15:9 As the
Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in My love.
For so very many years, although I didn't truly realize it then, I lived in self-hatred. I felt terrible for being so over weight. I let my weight and my feelings about myself control my interactions with others. It's like I would convey, "You won't really want to be my friend in a healthy relationship, because I'm so fat, that I'm going to allow you to walk all over me and take advantage of me, to sweeten the pot."
Again, I never realized that's what I was conveying or allowing in my relationships, but in reality, I was. It wasn't until I turned my need for control in my life, my food, eating and stress over into Christ's very capable hands, that I started feeling more lovable. If God the Father, Son, and Holy spirit love me and want me to continue in their live, I must be worth loving....and if God loves me, then I'm worth expecting others to treat me appropriately and not to inadvertently set situations up to be taken advantage of.
Christ flipped my self-hatred! He showed me that if He loves me this much, that turning my other weakness over like control, food, stress, etc. would make a major difference in my life and it has! My whole day doesn't revolve around food and thinking about food. It allows me time to read my Bible daily. It's one of my favorite things. I like to read the Bible from cover to cover and try to be open to applying the messages in the verses to my own life. It makes reading the Bible much more meaningful for me.
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
Bible Study: Relating the Bible to YOUR Life!
Types of Christians
A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
Free 2 Share VBS (Free VBS Curriculum)
Christian Overeaters Past and Present Support Links
Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?
Types of Christians
A Christian Caregiver
Christ's Grace Abounds
Creation: What's It Matter?
How to Know Jesus Is God's Son
Free 2 Share VBS (Free VBS Curriculum)
Christian Overeaters Past and Present Support Links
Jesus Calls, But Do Your Actions Say You Don't Desire Him?