Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Letting Rude Comments Slip

1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

I hate to admit this, but I have let rude comments slip more times than I'd like to admit. Afterward, feeling guilty for doing this, I used to eat, punishing myself for being insensitive to other people's feelings. Now, I wouldn't say that this is something I do commonly. I pride myself in being a sensitive, caring, human being. That's why I'm so overwhelmed when I do say something that hurts others.

I remember there was a time when I tended to join in with others who were talking about someone else. It made me feel like part of the crowd, but at what cost? Is my self-esteem or the self-esteem of the person talked about worth the few seconds of belonging that I received?

I truly know how terrible I've felt when I thought others were talking about me. That alone should make me more sensitive to respecting others through my conversation. It's difficult, at times, though, because just standing there while others say negative things about someone else is just as bad. It gives the appearance that we condone what they are saying and doing. I'm trying not to get into conversations like this in the first place which is the easiest way to handle it. If I do get in the midst of a conversation on that order, I need to say a brief prayer asking Jesus how I should respond. I'm trying to be better about saying, "I really don't like talking about other people," but I'm not as outspoken on the topic as I would like to be.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Is My Overeating a Punishment?

Romans 6: 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Is my overeating a punishment? According to this Bible Passage, although we have a very sinful human nature given to all types of vices, including overeating, we who believe in Christ as our Savior are under grace. That means that we didn't earn this special grace, but it is given freely despite our sinfulness, if we believe in Christ died and rose again to save us from our sins.

Well, some might think their being overweight is a punishment from God for their actions or lack thereof, but the eating is our choice, although sometimes it doesn't feel that way. Being compulsive about overeating can feel more like a driving force, not a choice.

The thing is, I found that when I was actively involved in compulsive overeating, I was turning to food to calm me in times of stress, joy, worries, etc., instead of turning to Jesus. When I started turning to Jesus when I had that gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach like I was starved, He would aid me in identifying what was causing that feeling. Most often, something was bothering me that I was unaware of. Once I turned that issue over to Christ's very capable hands, that all-consuming gnawing feeling left and I no longer felt compelled to eat and eat and eat, because I felt starved. Christ can heal us from this vice and all our other ones if we only ask Him and are willing to turn our issues over to Him.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Stacking up the Rewards

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

It's easy to get caught up in stacking up the rewards. I've worked hard this week, so I deserve a splurge, regardless of what it does to my body and blood sugar. I think I deserve a massage, regardless of whether I can pay all my bills or not. I think we deserve a new car, regardless if that means that either we or our spouse has to work longer hours and there's less family time together, because of needing to pay for that car that we deserve. And there's also that newest technology that we deserve, right? We forget to think about that it will be replaced by a newer model of phone or tablet in short order, but we will be the envy of all our friends!

God doesn't want us to get caught up in all the worldly things that we think we deserve. Actually, when we do so, they become false gods in our lives, because we are focusing on them rather than God. Actually, God gives us what we really don't deserve. He gives us the opportunity to join Him in heaven someday, because Jesus Christ gave His life for our sins. 

Did He deserve that? No way, but did we hear Him say, "I deserve much better than this, because I'm not the one who sinned. I think I will just go get a massage and chill-out instead?" No, He gave His life, when through being betrayed, mocked, spit at, and crucified just so that we could have something we didn't deserve. Now, that's the type of reward that's worth stacking up!!!

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Always Wishing for More

Hebrew 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

I remember spending much of my time as a compulsive overeater planning for the time when I was thinner. I wasn't content to enjoy the beautiful day, because I longed for the beautiful day when I could wear a swim suit and not be embarrassed by my overweight body.

When I had lost 20 pounds, was I content? I could have been pleased, but instead I was always focusing on how nice it would be when I lost all the weight.

When I lost all of the weight, was I content? I was wishing my body didn't have all the droopy skin and bulges left over from the weight loss. Now, is that really being thankful for the miracle Christ gave me through that weight loss? I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't as thankful as I should have been and was always wishing for more. 

When I realize how ungrateful I had been for this gift, I want change my life and be much more appreciative for all that Christ has done and continues to do for me, but do I do it? If I'm totally being honest, I definitely am not as appreciative as I should be and get too caught up in wishing for more. I really have to be prayerful about this one, because it hurts my heart to realize this! 

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Should I Boast About My Weight Loss?

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the might hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time; 7 Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.

I've met quite a few people who want me to take credit for my 80+ pound weight loss and keeping the vast majority of it off for over 30 years, but that wouldn't be right. It really didn't come from me. It came from God and was a significant blessing.

I had prayed for God to help Me lose the weight, to help Me be thin, to help Me... It wasn't until I had tried a bajillion different diets, losing a little on some, but generally gaining more than I started with, that I gave up. I figured that I would be heavy forever. I was praying telling God that I give up and that if He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it because I couldn't!

It was that exact same day that God had a miraculous change in my eating and life. It was that very same day that sweets and carbs no longer called my name, although I have been tempted by soft serve ice cream at times. I wondered over the years why God had the weight loss and the change in eating start then, rather than all the other bajillion times I asked for Him to help Me lose the weight. 

That's when He had it dawn on me. That was the first time I had given up control of my life, my eating, and my stress to God. It's the first time I hadn't been asking Him to stand in the wings while I did it myself.  Over the weeks and months ahead of the prayer that day, Christ has shown me so many different lessons about myself, especially how I turned to food in times of stress to comfort me instead of turning to Christ to heal my stress. I had let food become a false god in my life.  So, should I boast when people ask about my weight loss? No way! I need to share the miracle Christ did for me when I turned my food, body, eating, and stress over into His very capable hands....and He can do the same for you. Remember, sit back and give God the control.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Is Compulsive Overeating Sinning?

1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil: for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 

Well, there's a part of me that would like to say no, but I wouldn't be truthful if I said something to try to make other people happy. I personally feel from the many times I've read the Bible is that sinning is anything that we work a wedge in our relationship with God, our family and/or ourselves.

Although I can't speak for others, every time I am engaged in compulsive overeating I am truly engaged in a sinful act. First of all, when I turn to food to calm me in times of stress, etc., I've made food a false god, because I haven't turned to my Lord and Savior to calm me and to deal with those issues.

Also, when I'm involved in compulsive overeating, I don't behave the same way toward family and others. Nor, do I treat myself with the respect that God would want of me. I berate myself and almost punish myself for having given into the temptations of food. Now, overeating may not seem like the biggest of sins, and maybe it isn't, but Satan uses it to ever so subtly work a wedge in our relationship with God, our family and/or ourselves.

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

I Thought I Had a Good Relationship with Christ

1 John 4: 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.. 13 Hereby know ye that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I thought I had a good relationship with Christ. I said and did many of the right things, but did I? Maybe yes and maybe no. Although I didn't have any major vices, I had let Satan and his subtle ways take hold of me through my over eating. When I was heavy and involved in continuous overeating, I wasn't as kind to my family as I should have been, nor did I feel like going to church often, because I felt conspicuous in my over-sized clothes. I wasn't kind to myself, because of my self-loathing. The more I ate, the heavier I grew, the more my self-esteem sagged and proved I was worthless...but I'm not.

Christ showed me that that He loves me regardless of my size! I shouldn't let that stand in my way of being kind to others. If God dwells in us, that means He dwells in us at any size we are and His love is perfected in us. I needed to and still need to turn my life and my vices over to His capable hands and let Him make me the Christian He wants me to be. He doesn't dwell in me to be a walking billboard for self-loathing. He wants me to be an example of how He loves us regardless! 

Now, just because Christ loves me at any size I am, doesn't mean that I throw up my hands and give in to all the cravings. God wants me to turn to Him in times of stress, joy, etc., not food. So, because I love Him and want to turn to Him instead of food which had become a false god in my life, I put my food, eating, stress and control into His very capable hands and He heals me!

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Self-Hatred Flipped!

John 15:9 As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in My love.

For so very many years, although I didn't truly realize it then, I lived in self-hatred. I felt terrible for being so over weight. I let my weight and my feelings about myself control my interactions with others. It's like I would convey, "You won't really want to be my friend in a healthy relationship, because I'm so fat, that I'm going to allow you to walk all over me and take advantage of me, to sweeten the pot."

Again, I never realized that's what I was conveying or allowing in my relationships, but in reality, I was. It wasn't until I turned my need for control in my life, my food, eating and stress over into Christ's very capable hands, that I started feeling more lovable. If God the Father, Son, and Holy spirit love me and want me to continue in their live, I must be worth loving....and if God loves me, then I'm worth expecting others to treat me appropriately and not to inadvertently set situations up to be taken advantage of.

Christ flipped my self-hatred! He showed me that if He loves me this much, that turning my other weakness over like control, food, stress, etc. would make a major difference in my life and it has! My whole day doesn't revolve around food and thinking about food. It allows me time to read my Bible daily. It's one of my favorite things. I like to read the Bible from cover to cover and try to be open to applying the messages in the verses to my own life. It makes reading the Bible much more meaningful for me. 

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

God or Food...Hmmm....Let Me Think!

Matthew 22: 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

Over 30 years ago, when I finally turned my food, my eating, stress, and life over into Jesus's very capable hands, He had lessons for me. One of them was to realize that food had become a false god in my life. When I was stressed, I would have a feeling down in my stomach like I was starved to death. I call it the "Eat the Door Knobs Off" feeling, because I would feel that hungry.  

Christ showed me that if I turn to food, I'm turning to it for comfort instead of turning to my Lord and Savior. The more I tried turning to Christ when I had that "Eat the Door Knobs Off" feeling, I was shown time and time again that I had something bothering me or something I was worried about. When I turned these feelings over to Jesus, they went away and so did the stress. 

Although I knew I could turn things over, there were times early on when I just wanted to eat a whole container of lime fluff Jello, because that's what I used to eat when I thought my stomach was sick. I knew enough, to know by this point, that these feelings were related to stress, but I didn't immediately turn them over to Christ. It's like I was saying, "God or Food...Hmmm...Let Me Think!" Well, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." Matthew 22: 37-38 Jesus didn't say that loving food came first before God, which was part of me finally realizing that I had truly made food a false god without even realizing it. When I turned it over and each and every time I continue to turn it over, God heals my stress and He makes my whole life whole unlike any food of any kind can do!

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

I've Been Told God Doesn't Make Junk!

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

God doesn’t make junk! I’ve heard this before, but I don’t know that I’ve always applied this to my life. Is that because I thought I was worth more than junk? Actually, a big portion of my life I felt worthless. I all too often equated worth with thinness, which is a big mistake. Christ loves us the way we are regardless of our size with all our many flaws and vices. He just knows that we would be happier and healthy without all those flaws and vices.

Since He knows this and wants what’s best for us, if we turn to Him with these human weaknesses, He will heal us of them if we ask Him and are open to what He shows us. I prayed for many years for God to make Me thin, to help Me lose weight. I wasn’t turning these things or the problems over to God. I was asking for Him to make it easier for Me to do it all.

It wasn’t until the day I gave up and told God I had tried so many different diets and couldn’t do it and if He wanted me to be thin He’d have to do it, that He turned this major vice around. I wondered for a long time why He did it that very day. I think that’s the first time I gave up control and admitted that I couldn’t do it, and put it into Christ’s very capable hands. If He could have me lose over 80 pounds and keep the vast majority of the weight off for over 30 years, He can do the same with your weaknesses and vices, if you let Him.  You just have to give up control and turn it over to Him, because as you know, God doesn’t make junk! 

Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: