I fell several months ago and broke my heel when I fell down a few stairs while I was talking. The ER doctor told me that I couldn't put any weight on that foot for 90 days. Sure, I could eat myself silly bemoaning my lost mobility. Instead, I felt so thankful to God. So, you might wonder what I had to be thankful for. Here's a few examples.
When I fell, I could have broken my hip and needed surgery. I have a bad back and could have really messed it up in the fall. When I saw the Orthopedic Surgeon, he told me that my broken heel didn't require surgery. I saw on the internet that the majority of heel fractures require surgery. I am very blessed it wasn't worse.
When I injured my heel, I got to spend time appreciating all the many blessings Jesus has given me.
Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie
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