There were times I got strong instincts from God not to eat a particular thing, but did I listen? I would have to say sometimes yes and sometimes no. There are times that I wanted to eat that particular food, and put pretend blinders on or should I say earmuffs on, so I could pretend I hadn't had that instinct.
In those cases, I would hurriedly eat that food, pretending I hadn't had those instincts, when I really had. Then, I would try to bluff my way through it, but you can't bluff God. He knew I had those instincts before I ever tasted the food and that any amount of pretending couldn't disguise that. When I realize what I was trying to do, I would ask Jesus to forgive me and my being deceitful. Some of you might not think that issues with food aren't deceitful, but it's more our intent in our hearts than what we are deceitful about.
Since these episodes, I don't try to ignore the instincts God gives me about food, but have regrettably done it with other issues. Generally, when I haven't listened, I've always found out later that those instincts were for my good or the good of family members. I truly regret those times I've ignored those instincts!
Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie
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