Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Why Share My Weight Loss?

Glorify the Lord with Me; Let Us Exalt His Name Together. Psalm 34:3

You may think: "That's great that you lost over 80 pounds by turning control of things over to Christ and His allowing the majority of the weight to stay off for over 30 years. I just don't understand why you share your weight loss."

Well, that would be a good question. You could probably understand if I said that I've lost all this weight and showed pictures of myself in clothing that accentuated this weight loss. But that's not what I felt that Christ was leading me to do. He did major miracles in my life far beyond the actual weight loss. These involved being honest with myself and turning over many of my weaknesses as He drew attention to them. In return, Christ has given me a sense of peace that goes far beyond knowing I can fit into smaller dress sizes. I know that Christ will be with me and my loved ones through the good things and the bad and never will dessert us.

Sure, sharing my many shortcomings with others is definitely not glamorous and not always easy to do. It's worth it though if any viewers also realize they don't have to be perfect or wear a size six to realize how very much Christ loves them, imperfections and all. It's made such a difference in my life, how could I keep that to myself, because Christ wants it for you too! Then we can exalt His name together!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

I Want It Now!

Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? Job 12:12

When I wrote this Bible passage, I am reminded of the character, Veruca Salt, in Willy Wonka. She is known by wanting lots of things and wanting them now!

Well, it seems that I've been that way with many things over the years, especially related to my weight and eating. In the earlier years, I let food control my life and turned to it like a false god rather than turning my joys, fears and stress over to Christ's very capable hands. When I had a craving for some food, I remember wanting it now, in a similar fashion to Veruca. I might make the food item or make a special trip to the store just to get it. I did not want to wait for it.

Also, during that period of time, I wanted to be thin and I wanted it now! It didn't seem fair that some people should be thin and I wasn't. I was resentful and that probably played out in my eating and my interactions with others.

Fortunately, I started reading the Bible every day. I read the wisdom that God shared through His followers. I also read how many fell into patterns of letting worldly things and false gods lead them astray from the truth. The more I read the Bible daily, I could feel Christ's truth and let it guide my day and actions. 

I started turning to Christ with my joys, fears, and stress. It made an amazing difference in my life. I felt a sense of calm that I had never felt before on a regular basis. In the past, I had always hoped food would soothe all my worries, but all it did was make things worse. Not only did I still have the worry, but I, then, had all the excess weight and guilt of over eating to contend with.

My life was so much better when I started to turn things over to Christ's very capable hands. He, also, took care of my over eating when I gave up trying to be in control of everything and finally turn to Christ,  instead. I've been very blessed with losing 80+ pounds and Christ's allowing the vast majority of it to stay off for over 30 years.

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Not Setting My Sights High Enough

You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. Psalm 16:11

All those years, I thought if I were just thin, I'd be happy. If I were stylish, I'd be happy. If I had a good job, I'd be happy, but I wasn't setting my sights high enough!

I was always looking toward worldly pleasures and rewards. I learned I needed to refocus my goals, for it is our love and faith in Christ that will give us eternal happiness!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Not Giving Up

Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

There have been times I've prayed about things, but had given up hope because it had been so long that I figured that God didn't want those particular things for me. I used to pray for yeats for God to have me lose weight. I figured that since all the millions of diets I had tried didn't work, that I may be heavy forever, but that wasn't the case.

One day, after spending most of my life heavy, I told God that I had given up. If He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it, because I couldn't. I think it may have been the first time I was giivng up control in my life and turning it over to Christ. Trying to be in control of all aspects of my life meant I wasn't trusting God to take care of me.

Once I gave up the control, God took the urges for large quantities of food away. He also took the cravings for sugar and carbs away, as well.  When I put my food, body, eating and stress in Christ's  very capable hands, the weight was coming off, but this time I wasn't in control, but Christ was. He allowed me to lose over 80 pounds and has allowed the vast majority of the weight to stay off for over 30 years. Never stop praying. Things happen on God's timing and not ours!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Money, Money, Money

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27

There was a time I used to worry about money almost all the time! I would spend a big portion of my day figuring out our budget or recalculating it. I would always be looking for the deals or reading schemes and tips to put a little extra money in your pocket. I spent many a day eating over my concerns of not having enough money to pay our expenses. I had faith in God, but that was back in the time when I was asking God to help ME figure out our finances. Help ME to ensure there would be enough money to pay our bills and buy food for the family.

It wasn't until later when Christ had shown me that I was turning to food in times of stress instead of turning to Him, I had been making food a false god. In a similar fashion, I had been making the fear of not having enough money a false god, as well,  because I wasn't turning these concerns over to Christ's very capable hands.

Once He showed me what I had been doing, I started putting my food, body, needs, and stress in God's hands while also asking Him for a willingness to turn these over to Him. When I did, I had such a calm feeling come over me. I didn't have to fret or spent my every waking minute trying to budget or to worry about it. I knew Christ would take care of our needs if I let Him. Of course, that meant living within my means and not making frivolous impulse purchases. God never said He'd give you the newest technology you may desire, but He will take care of all our basic needs if we trust Him to. 

What I found when I started turning these over to Him, was that we weren't short of enough money to pay our bills at the end of the month and had the food we needed, all without the stress! It amazed me at how much time I wasted all those years stressed about these things when I could have turned them over into Christ's very capable hands all along!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Being Treated with Love and Respect

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11

I guess I'm feeling torn right now on this topic. I used to think people would only treat me with love and respect if I were thin. Then, when I was thin, I thought people would only treat me with love and respect if I had a decent job. When I had a decent job, I thought people would only treat me with love and respect if I had nice clothes. When I had nice clothes, I thought people would only treat me with love and respect if I had a decent car. When I had a decent car, I thought people would only treat me with love and respect if I had an advanced degree. When I had an advanced degree, I thought people would only treat me with respect if I....

We can spend our whole lives chasing after the love and respect of others, but that can be an endless road. I know. I've been there!

This is what I found. First of all, people tend to love and respect people who love and respect themselves. It took me a long time to learn this lesson, but Christ never gave up on me. What I was shown was that once you love and respect yourself, you really don't feel the need to go after the love and respect of others. Additionally, I learned, that when you love and respect yourself, you are more free to share love and respect with others!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Do I Sing to the Lord a New Song or Do I Go Around Complaining?

Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Psalm 98:1

When I just read this, it's making me do a lot of soul searching. Christ has allowed me to lose 80+ pounds and to keep the vast majority of it off for over 30 years. Do I sing to the Lord a new song or do I go around complaining?

I wish I could say that I spent the biggest part of each day rejoicing in all the wonderful things Christ has done for me, the biggest of these is that He's given His life for my sins, as well as yours!

Unfortunately, I probably slip into a less than thankful routine more often than not, but it doesn't have to stay this way. 

If He could heal my compulsive overeating, He can most certainly can change my attitude of gratefulness, if I'm willing to let Him. All I have to do is pray and ask Him, but it's best to pray for it every day the same way I pray for God to heal my food, body and eating every day. I have so much to sing about, because Christ has given so much to me and you and all of us!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Can I Ever Be Good Enough to Earn the Weight Loss Miracle Christ Did in My Life?

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1:7

Can I ever be good enough to earn the weight loss miracle Christ did in my life? So you might wonder how big of a weight loss it was for me to consider it a miracle? You might wonder what exactly happened to make me think this weight loss was something from Christ and not just a good diet? You might also want to know if this was just some temporary fluke that I attributed to Christ? These would all be good questions and I'm prayerful I will give you the answers you need.

I had been overweight most of my childhood and was to the point that my size 18 pants no longer had elastic in the waistband, but I was too embarrassed to buy more. I know I weighed more than 200 pounds, but stopped weighing myself at that point, because I didn't want to know the truth-it was too depressing! I had been on a bazillion diets, many of them several times. I even had acupuncture staples put in my ears to make me loose weight? Did any of these work? Another great question!

I lost weight on some of the diets, but I would end up gaining more weight than I originally started with. I even went on my Best diet and stayed really closely to it, but lost a negligible amount of weight that rolled back on before I knew it. The acupuncture only made made part of my ear swell, because I had an allergic reaction to the metal. The only thing I lost with that was the money for the acupuncture and for the antibiotics for the infection I got.

I got to the point that I had tried most of the sound diets and many that defied all logic. I felt it was hopeless and I was given up as I prayed to Christ telling Him that. I also told Him that I can't do it and if He ever wanted me to be thin He'd have to do it, because I couldn't! You know what? I wasn't expecting anything to happen. I was just giving up and giving God notice of it, but it was that very same day Christ took the urge for large quantities of food away and the craving for sweets and carbs. I didn't do anything, but those cravings were just gone! 

Amazed, I watched the next day and the next. It wasn't my imagination, and I didn't feel tempted by or deprived of those foods that used to call my name...and not for just one serving either. I used to eat the majority of a fruit pie and push the top down on the crust to make it look like more.

Christ allowed me to lose over 80 pounds and that was without exercising, although I realize they are important to keep your body fit. It wasn't just some fluke thing either, because Christ has allowed me to keep the vast majority of that weight off for over 30 years. So, am I perfect and deserving of this miracle? Most definitely not! There are times when I falter and fall back into old eating patterns when I'm stressed, but fortunately when I pray and ask for Christ's help, He picks up the pieces and refocuses me. 

Do  I feel more deserving of this miracle than other Christians? Most definitely not! I still lose my cool, at times, am less than patient and have focused more on my needs than those of the less fortunate, I'm embarrassed to say. Why do you think Christ did this miracle for you then? I can't tell you for sure, but the one thing that has crossed my mind many times over the years is that this was the first time I ever gave up total control in my life and surrendered it to Christ.

What is a major lesson you have learned through this weight loss miracle? Another good question! I found that I used to turn to food every time I was upset, stressed, happy, worried, etc. Christ showed me that I had allowed food to become a false god in my life, turning to food in times of stress or joy instead of turning to Him. I found that when I had that gnawing "I can eat the door knobs off" feeling in the pit of my stomach, I was usually stressed and needed to put it into Christ's very capable hands. What is the one thing you'd like to pass on to others? If Christ has healed so many of my vices by putting control of my life into His very capable hands, He can most certainly do the same for you!

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Light Shine in our Hearts

2 Corinthians 4:7 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 

There was a time when I was extremely overweight that my heart was so full of self-loathing, that I could not see the Light of Christ shining through. It isn't that He wasn't there. I just filled up my heart with guilt, anger, fear, etc. which skewed my vision.

First of all, I didn't feel lovable and deserving of Christ's love. If I didn't love myself, how could Christ love me? Well, it doesn't work that way. We don't have to be deserving of Christ's love. He know we are sinners and we all have vices of one kind or another. He just wants us to turn to Him and ask Him to heal us and fill our hearts with His love.

I know. He did it for me and He doesn't turn His back on me if I slip off my food program, gain some weight back, or act in less than a Christian manner (although He'd prefer I didn't do these things.) Jesus' light shines through the midst of all these negative things and much worse. He loves us as we are and wants us to feel His love in our lives. All we need to do is say, "Jesus, please come into my life and let me see your light." If you genuinely mean it, He will.

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: