I was very fortunate that my weight loss from God wasn't dependent on exercise. It seems that I don't stay with exercises consistently. Throughout the years, I will develop a routine for exercising and/or walking and something comes up and throws it off. It seems like months later, I will reflect on that exercise routine that halted once something interrupted it. This has happened more times than I would like to admit.
I am currently taking an exercise class two days a week, when I can. I have severe osteoporosis and weight bearing exercise is the best thing for it (health to the bones). Sometimes, I have things that interfere with my going to the class. I am blessed with an instructor who goes to great lengths to make the class really fun, so I hate to miss it.
About two months ago, I found myself showing off during class. It wasn't really for anyone else to notice. I was just showing off to myself. The instructor told us to bend our knee and kick ourselves and then kick out. I was surprised that I could actually do it. It seems that we did several repetitions of that exercise that day. I didn't just take satisfaction in the fact that I was able to kick myself when I bent my knee, but I actually kicked myself each time rather than go through the motions. Oh, My! Was I ever sorry! The next day, my one knee hurt so much that I was barely able to walk on it. It took several weeks until the pain subsided enough for me to go back to the class. That's what I get for showing off! Now, I just go through the motions and bend my knee a reasonable amount. I'm glad that God shows me that being prideful, even to myself, is still something I need to work on. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24