I can find a bargain with the best of them, but at what cost? There have been times in my life that I couldn't afford to buy things unless it was dirt cheap! I used to worry and eat over my finances, before I learned to turn these issues over to God's very capable hands. I prided myself in finding good deals almost everywhere. Unfortunately, my actions made me a poor example of my faith, at times.
There were times where I found an item marked lower than it rang up on the cash register. I hate to admit, but there were times I have argued with the store clerk, telling them that they were obliged to give me the item at the lower price. I indignantly stated it was the store's fault because it was not priced correctly. In hindsight, I realize that it's not the clerk's fault that things weren't priced correctly. I shouldn't have taken out my frustration on them.
I had found through my bargain hunting, that if you look through all the same items on the shelf, you will sometimes find one with a cheaper price label on it. It became a common thing I did in trying to get that "exhilarating bargain hunter high" I enjoyed so much. One time, I felt guilty about this and called the store owner to apologize. The owner was appalled to know that I deliberately did this in order to find a bargain. I tried to explain that as a Christian I wanted to apologize for my actions. To be honest, I kind of expected the admiration of the store owner for being so honest. Instead, I heard in the owner's voice, "How could a Christian do something like this?"
Instead of getting the admiration of the store owner for my honesty, I got disdain. It caused me to look at this in a different light. When I'm using the previously mentioned methods for getting a good deal, it's as if I'm taking money out of the owner's and worker's wallets. More than that, I'm not being a very good example of my faith. It never dawned on me that I could be such a poor example for God. The urge to get that "exhilarating bargain hunter high" at any cost crosses my mind, at times, because I have a sinful human nature. I have to turn these urges over to God's capable hands and stick to the posted bargains and ads. 1 Thessalonians 4:6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. 7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie
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