I'm so glad that Jesus is perfect, because I am definitely not!!! Christ allowed me to lose around 80 pounds over 30 years ago. In the process, He showed me how food, eating, and thinking about eating had become a false god in my life. I was turning to food to comfort me in times of stress, etc. rather than to Christ for comfort.
When I finally gave up control over my food, body, and eating and turned them over into Christ's very capable hands, excessive amounts of food no longer appealed to me. I didn't crave banana splits, strawberry shortcake and the like. I do have to admit that sometimes I really miss having soft-serve ice cream, but Christ has shown me that I can have a healthy alternative to that when I use my Younana's appliance by Dole that uses frozen bananas and strawberries to make something very similar to ice cream.
What I find is Satan knew that food was a way he could work a wedge in my relationship with Christ and with my family all those years and he doesn't want to just turn and walk away. When I take my relationship with Christ for granted, Satan knows that it's an optimal time to dangle some of those old eating behaviors back in front of me. Fortunately for me, although I'm not perfect and I've slipped, at times, Christ is perfect and He always has it on my heart to stop and see what I'm doing and how I'm starting down that slippery slope. He always provides the strength for me to stop eating whatever it is, when I turn it over to Him. I am so truly blessed, but so are you. He will do the same things for you if you let Him! Hebrews 5: 8 Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him.