If you find honey, eat just enough-too much of it, and you will vomit. Proverbs 25:16
We went to a Chinese Buffet [my favorite] with a family member. I hadn't gone since the Pandemic started, because I basically try not to eat in big crowds of people these days. I'm not so worried about getting COVID, but I am concerned about getting it and passing it on to relatives and those I care about.
I knew I might not get to come to a Chinese Buffet for a long time, so I really loaded up on the food. My plate looked like Mount Vesuvius! I wanted to say that's a slight exaggeration, but in reality, it isn't!
I enjoyed all the food on my heaping plate and then saw someone walk by with nice fresh slices of watermelon and other fruit. I knew I was full, but did I pay attention to the instincts that the Lord God guided me by? Unfortunately not! I heaped up another plate with three slices of watermelon, some cantaloupe, and something else. Fruit is healthy, right???? After eating all of that when I was already full, left me feeling lethargic. I wasn't being a good example of how God guides me in my life! I just gave into the temptations that Satan dangled in front of me and justified gorging myself, because I hadn't been to a buffet in a long time. Fortunately, Christ is very forgiving and is leading me to return to my healthier eating plan!