1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness,
but unto holiness.
When Christ allowed me to lose 80+ pounds and has kept the vast majority of it off for over 30 years, it could have become easy to be complacent about it, taking this miracle for granted. It would have been easy to try to fit into groups of people in the "in crowd" that I used to watch from afar for years. I could have started dressing the way they dressed, have the same values, same type of conversations, and get caught up in judging others that didn't meet our standards.
This passage: For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. is very significant. After the weight loss, if I started dressing in a flashy, provocative way, I wouldn't have been glorifying God with the weight loss miracle He allowed in my life.
After the weight loss, if I had assumed the same values as those of the "in crowd" by valuing big houses, cars, prestigious jobs, expensive clothing and the newest technology, I wouldn't have been glorifying God with the weight loss miracle He allowed in my life.
After the weight loss, if I started talking in the same way as the "in crowd," using God's name in vain, because everyone else does, I wouldn't have been glorifying God with the weight loss miracle He allowed in my life.
After the weight loss, if I started judging others in the same way as those in the "in crowd," because they have different colored skin, different ethnicity, different financial situation, different political views, I wouldn't have been glorifying God with the weight loss miracle He allowed in my life. God calls us into holiness, not into blending in with the "in crowd."
these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my
life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible
verse. Debbie