This is My
commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15: 12
Well, this post isn't so much about loving others as Christ has loved me, it's about loving myself as Christ has loved me. If I'm being totally honest with you, I was going put The Kettle Corn Got Me Off Track for the title of this post.
Then, Christ, who redirects me when I start to get led astray by things like Kettle Corn that dangle in front of me, gave me a reality check. The thought that was in my mind right after I had typed that title, which is often how God works in my life, was: "Did the Kettle Corn get me off track or did I get me off track?" So when God's giving you a nudge to totally honesty, you shouldn't resist, so I changed the post title to what is true. I Let the Kettle Corn Get Me Off Track.
Now, Kettle Corn isn't something that is a comfort food from my childhood. Actually, I hadn't eaten it until about nine years ago when it was offered to me. In the past, I had declined Kettle Corn when it was offered to me, because I know sugar isn't good for me, because I'm Hypoglycemic and it affects my blood sugar and moods. That time, I figured that just a taste wouldn't hurt. Now, I really like the stuff, but try not to buy it often. (It sounds like I'm talking about drugs, doesn't it? Sugar affects me like a drug, because I get cranky and it affects my decisions and behavior when my blood sugar drops after the affects of the sugar are wearing off.)
What led to this latest episode with Kettle Corn. I saw a big on sale in a discount store and decided to buy it, because it's a different brand than I had tried before. Most of the brands don't taste the same as Kettle Corn, so I felt it was my Junior Detective duty to try this one out to see how it rated.
It was pretty good, some of the best commercially packaged Kettle Corn I've eaten. I was surprised to find out that it didn't have much fat or sugar, but I ended up eating 2/3 of the bag. That's dipping into behaviors I used to have when I was a compulsive overeater for so many years, until Christ healed me of that.
Fortunately for me, Christ doesn't give up on me easily and brought me back to my senses. He points me in the right direction, with new resolve to not buy the additional bags of Kettle Corn I had contemplated buying for guests-sure it would be for guests! I need to remember to love myself like Christ loved me! This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15: 12
Since this is an example of the positive influence God has made on my overeating, this may not reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verses.