Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

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If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Just Be Patient!

Be completely humble and gentle, be patient bearing with one another with love. Ephesians 4:2 NIV Bible

Well, this seems like a really good verse for me to focus on right now! There is a project, and I look at it from a "Get 'Er Done," perspective. I thought I was going to be in charge of the project, so I made a multitude of various charts to make it easy for me to collect the data I needed to make wise decisions related to this project.

It turns out, that the Lord God had it on my heart, that someone else is supposed to be in charge of this project. That was a hard one for me to take, because of all my extremely efficient charts I had made, etc. I thought I was on top of this, but I wasn't supposed to be. What a humbling experience! It's an especially difficult thing for me, because one of my biggest vices is wanting to be in control of things. I found this out, when the Lord God showed me that all those years that I wasn't successful at loosing the excess weight, I had prayed almost daily, "Lord, help me loose the weight." It wasn't until I gave up and told God that if He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it, because I couldn't!" Well, it was that very same day, that a miraculous thing happened. I was no longer drawn to sweets, carbs, and plate after plate of food. It wasn't something that I did differently. As I prayerfully pondered why the Lord God allowed the 80+ pound weight loss, and for the vast majority of it to stay off for over 30 years, I finally realized that I had finally given up trying to be in control and turned it over to the Lord God's hands!

So, giving up control for this project is difficult for me. At times, I am white knuckle struggling for patience as the person who is now in control of this project seems to take their time. But it isn't my timing that counts, it's the Lord God's. So what possibly frustrates me, is what will provide successful, well thought out decisions related to this project, in the long run. I just have to be patient!

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: