Do not withhold Your mercy from me, Lord; may Your love and faithfulness always protect me. Psalm 40:11 NIV Bible
Sure, it's easy for me to say to the Lord, protect me from everything that might be a temptation to me. But what really is needed, is that I ask the Lord for protection from Myself. I get arrogant, without even realizing it, thinking that I can maintain my weight loss, faith, and interactions with others.
When I get in this complacent mode, I am tripping my own-self up! At that point, I'm the one who is drawing close to crossing the line of vanity, self-absorption, and sinful lusts. I need the Lord, to protect me from myself!
Whenever, I realize I'm starting to slip down a slippery slope, the good Lord, is always there with open arms to welcome me, and refocus me with the needed mind-set, focused on Him, and not on myself. Oh Lord, please give me a humble spirit, so I don't lose my way. Keep me focused on Your will and not mine! Amen.