Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

What’cha Afraid Of?

Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even My witnesses.  Is there a God beside Me?  yea, there is no God; I know not any. Isaiah 44:8

I find that I’m a big time chicken. I hide behind these keys while saying that we should share our faith with others, but when push comes to shove, do I practice what I preach? Well, unfortunately, I only do it very reluctantly. When I’m with someone who is saying something contrary to Biblical scriptures, I ask myself if I REALLY need to clarify their misconception. I find myself trying to find very diplomatic ways to clear up these misconceptions, so that I don’t alienate them.

Basically, I’m worried about whether this person is going to be mad at me. That is my very first thought. It is first before I think about what God wants me to do. It’s first before I consider if it could have a detrimental effect on this person’s salvation. I just don’t want them mad at me!

I feel so terrible right now. God has done so many miracles in my life that defy explanation. To top those off, He’s blessed me by allowing me to lose 80+ pounds and to keep the majority of it off for over 30 years. Christ didn’t think twice about doing this for me. Why am I so reluctant to do this for Him? What am I so afraid of?

I’m realizing it’s the fear of the other person’s anger, but shouldn’t I value what God wants much more than the approval of others? I think I do, but I’ve done this time and again where I shy away from setting things straight with those who say things contrary to Biblical scriptures. I need so much spiritual growth in this area. Since God’s showing me this major weakness, I trust Him to heal me and for Him to give me the willingness to stand up for Him instead of being afraid of what others think. Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even My witnesses.  Is there a God beside Me?  yea, there is no God; I know not any. Isaiah 44:8

Since this is an example of the positive influence God has made on my overeating, this may not reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse.

Satan is the Thief…

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I [Jesus] am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Over the years, I’ve read this passage, but this time it had a more personal message for me. I realized that Satan is the thief. He tries to steal my healthy relationship with Christ by dangling things that tempt me like food and other things that interfere in my relationship with Christ, my family, and my self-esteem.

So, how could Satan use food to interfere with my relationship with Christ?  Well, when I’m eating things I know aren’t good for me or amounts that aren’t healthy, I’m turning to food to heal my aching soul rather than turning to Christ, for He is the only one who can heal my aching soul. That makes food a false god in my life.

So, how could Satan use food to interfere with my relationship with my family? When I’m over eating or eating foods that have high amounts of sugar, I tend to be cranky with my family. I’m not setting a good example of how to interact and I’m less patient with them when they do something that would normally not faze me.

So, how could Satan use food to interfere with my self-esteem? When I’m overeating, turning to food instead of to Christ, or eating foods that are not healthy for me, I seem to have low self-esteem. I feel badly about myself and my choices and feel easily overwhelmed by life events.

Not only this, the thief (Satan) cometh to kill and to destroy. If I eat too much of the wrong types of food, it can kill me or make me in a weakened state where I am vulnerable to other health issues. The thief destroys my ability to feel capable to change these unhealthy patterns. Fortunately, Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus can heal our vices, whether they are food or other things, so that we can have the abundant relationship with Christ, our family, and have a healthy self-esteem, if we only ask Him. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Remembering My Own Advice

Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:13

Yesterday, I wrote and scheduled the post about how I ate far more at a buffet, because I hadn’t eaten lunch, which tends to be a common theme when I’m tempted to overeat or to eat things I know aren’t good for me.

Again, I had eaten breakfast late and was just going to skip lunch, when it dawned on me. God hasn’t just led me to write these Christian Overeaters Past and Present blog posts only for everyone else, they are for me, as well. I should remember what God has recently shown me and remember my own advice.

As soon as this crossed my mind, I got some yogurt and blueberries, because I wasn’t very hungry, but knew there was pumpkin pie in the fridge that might call my name later on. The funny thing about this is that I don’t mind if others eat the pie. It doesn’t bother me in the least, because God’s taken that compulsion away from me. I DO MIND when no one is eating it and it’s something good that I’m going to have to throw away, which is what was happening to this pumpkin pie. My husband had gotten a good deal on a pie at the store, so everyone was eating it instead of the home made pumpkin pie that might go to waste. Fortunately for me, God had this cross my mind, because I was able to resist the pumpkin pie later when no one ate it. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:13

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

Forgiving Yourself for Being Heavy…

1 John 5: 4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

God doesn’t want us to continue to beat ourselves up for all those times we ate more than we should have. He doesn’t want us to hold the guilt for those times we were secretive about our eating. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so Christ is going to overcome the world and our worldly ways if we let Him.

I think of all those times that I didn’t love myself enough and let my weight become my shelter from the world. But it only hurt my self-esteem more and I let it tell me that I was unworthy of the friendship and love from those I care about. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so Christ is going to overcome the world and our worldly ways if we let Him.

God will allow me to let go of that aching overweight child inside of me. He will allow me to let go of all those times I put myself down before anyone else had a chance. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so Christ is going to overcome the world and our worldly ways if we let Him. All we have to do is ask. 1 John 5: 4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

The Dream that Caused Me to Wake Up Sobbing…

And they shall mock Him [Jesus], and shall scourge Him, and shall spit upon Him, and shall kill Him: and the third day He shall rise again. Mark 10:34

I was dreaming this really elaborate dream about a preteen neighbor girl we went to see practicing for a play. She was very overweight and they had her hold an inflated pool recliner, so that when she walked through the two by four planks that gave the impression of a doorway, she would bonk into the doorway, because she couldn’t get through. They had given her this part, so the audience would laugh at her when she couldn’t get through the doorway.

I cried when I dreamed it. I cried when I woke up right after dreaming it and I’m crying now. I ache for the overweight preteen that everyone is laughing at. I feel terrible for her having to go through all of this. I feel for how it may affect her self-esteem and self-perception. I feel for this girl, so much and want to protect her from the pain and insensitivities of society, but I can’t. All I can do is to continue to be prayerful, hoping these blog posts reach people and help them to better connect with Christ, so that He can heal their overeating the way He has done for me.

As I prayerfully contemplated this dream when I first woke up, I realized that I may have been crying because that overweight preteen girl reminded me of how I felt when others snickered when I went by or suggested diet treats or no treats when snacks were passed around, etc. All I know is this dream affected me profoundly.
As I continued to contemplate my response to this dream, thinking of how they set this young girl up to be laughed at and mocked, it led me to this Bible passage.  And they shall mock Him [Jesus], and shall scourge Him, and shall spit upon Him, and shall kill Him: and the third day He shall rise again. Mark 10:34

The thing that is most significant about this verse is that Jesus is saying this to His disciples, so that they would know what is to befall Him. He knew they were going to mock Him and treat Him terribly, but He still gave His life for us. And they clothed Him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about His head, And began to salute Him, Hail, King of the Jews! And they smote Him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon Him, and bowing their knees worshipped Him. And when they had mocked Him, they took off the purple from Him, and put His own clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucify him. Mark 15: 17-20 Jesus knew all of this was going to happen in advance and still went through all of this to provide salvation for all of us when He arose from the grave!

When I See the Hanging Skin on My Arms, I Feel Truly Blessed…

1 Peter 1: 3 Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 4 to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

Recently, I was standing in front of the mirror, something I don’t do too often. I noticed the hanging skin on my arms; it even flaps back and forth if I move them. Instead of feeling repulsed like I once did, I had the feeling of being truly blessed.

What was in my mind at that instant is: if my skin weren’t flapping around as I moved, then it means that they would be firm, because they were filled with excess fat. This realization caused me to do an immediate about face. I realized how blessed I truly am that God allowed me to lose 80+ pounds over 30 years ago and to keep the vast majority of it off. Was I wishing for God to put that weight back on, so that my arms didn’t have flappy skin? No way!

This made me realize that I sometimes take this gift from God for granted and don’t really appreciate that all the imperfections in my body, like droopy skin and other body parts, are really part of the blessing that I’ve received. It made me start viewing my body in a whole new light. I think it’s the first time, after 30+ years, that I started appreciating my body, flaws and all, because it is a gift from God. 1 Peter 1: 3 Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 4 to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

Since this is an example of the positive influence God has made on my overeating, this may not reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse.

Pigging Out at Ponchos…

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26

We took a family member to our favorite Mexican buffet. I ate a late breakfast and wasn’t hungry at lunch time, so I skipped it knowing that we were going to the buffet for dinner. I didn’t even feel hungry when I opened the doors to the restaurant. I started off with foods that were four to five times my allotted amount of breads/carbohydrates.

If that wasn’t bad enough, when they brought us sopapillas, I had this clever idea. I thought it might taste good with ice cream inside of it, which it did. It tasted so good, in fact, that I had another one of them and I’m really not supposed to eat ice cream, because I’m hypoglycemic.

I knew I shouldn’t eat these things, but did anyway and didn’t really want to do otherwise. Later, I tried to be prayerful about my actions. There is a common thread in this event and some others that I have posted about. I seem to be more tempted to eat foods that I normally abstain from if I’ve missed lunch. This is pretty significant, in that I seem to be fudging on my eating lately. What is even more significant is that generally when I’m being sloppy with my eating plan it indicates that I’ve become sloppy with my relationship with Christ, something I want to correct immediately! Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26

Dragging Through the Day, The Sugar I Had Eaten Made Me Weak…

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 1 Thessalonians 5: 14

In the last blog post, I told you about a big family meal where I had eaten sugary sweet potatoes. I never think of it as a sweet, because it’s not a dessert, but it sure tastes like one. After being impatient with others the day before, I turned that over into God’s very capable hands and stopped eating the sweet potatoes that are still sitting in my fridge. I really should throw them out, because I’m the one who is tempted by them.

Anyway, this afternoon, I got so weak that I could barely keep my eyes open and didn’t know how I was going to make it through until the evening. I was trying to determine if I was sick, but realized that what I was feeling was the old sugar drain on my system. You wouldn’t think that the sugary sweet potatoes could do that, but they sure did.

God had me realize what I had done to my body by eating extra-large servings of the sweet potatoes for three days. I started to realize that this is how I used to feel when I let sugar and treats rule my life. Now, I let the Lord heal my life, and my body, my stress, my food, and my eating and I don’t have to deal with dragging through the day. He is my strength even when I am weak. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 1 Thessalonians 5: 14

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: