Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Cranky After All the Sugar

Ephesians 4: 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.

The day after I ate the lemon meringue pie for my dinner, my husband seemed very impatient with me. It felt as if he wanted me to do everything at a snap of the finger and I let him know that I didn’t appreciate it in the least. After about the fifth episode that morning, it dawned on me, it was all that sugar I had the night before. It wasn’t my husband being impatient after all. It was me. I was cranky after all the sugar.

Since God blessed me with the miracle of taking my need for excessive amounts of food and craving sugar away from me over 30 years ago, I’ve rarely had any sugar other than the natural sugar in fresh fruit. I had forgotten about how Satan through sugar is able to spin a web around me that skews my perspective of things, making me irritable, and not the person that God wants me to be.

It saddens me that I could fall back into the clutches of eating sweets so easily. Fortunately for me, God reminded me how Satan has used sugar in my life in years past to work a wedge in my relationship with my family and God. I regret being cranky with my husband this morning. What was worse than that, I blamed him for it and not my eating the lemon meringue pie. I apologized, but I need to be more focused on turning food back into God’s very capable hands. Ephesians 4: 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. 

Am I Slipping Back into Satan’s Clutches?

2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

I’ve told you in some of my recent blog posts that I have been fallen prey to sugar and other foods, lately. This morning, I realized that this is very significant!!! If this has been happening more, then that means I am being more vulnerable to the things that used to work a wedge in my relationship with Christ and my family.

I almost started to panic. Am I slipping back into Satan’s Clutches? God gave me the feeling that He was going to work this out with me when I worked on the blog post today. Obviously, the posts aren’t always just for the readers. You wouldn’t believe how much they help me even when I re-read them long after they’ve posted.  They help to keep my mind looking Christ-ward rather than slipping back into the pits of despair.

When I turned to food and the temporary high it would give me, I was letting it be a false god in my life, although I professed to be a devout Christian. Anytime anything, even something as benign as knitting becomes too important in our lives, it is working a wedge in our relationship with Christ. Well, I was willingly jumping back on the food merry-go-round. The only thing is, when I turned to food and not Christ when I was stressed, etc. my life was not all that merry!

Writing this, I realize that there are more stressors in my life right now. There are so many things that are out of my hands. Turning to food and losing my way is not going to solve anything. I need to realize that this stress is a lot more significant than I’d like to admit. I feel like crying, but I’m sitting in the middle of a public library, so that’s not really possible.

I am so thankful for God’s showing me what is going on. I can’t change the other things, but God in His infinite mercy can take care of these things. I need to focus on this and pray for Him to protect me from slipping back into Satan’s clutches. 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

The Lemon Meringue Pie Was Calling Me

2 Timothy 1: 9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:

The moment I walked into the restaurant, I smelled the lemon meringue pie. I knew within seconds that it was going to be the main part of my meal. Trying to justify eating something almost totally consisting of sugar for dinner, I tried to quickly come up with a plan to try to fool myself…or was I trying to fool God?

I decided that I would have vegetable beef soup and a half sandwich made with chicken salad. I figured the protein in the chicken salad would help make up for all the sugar that I was going to eat in the pie, something I almost never eat because I’m hypoglycemic.

I could hear the waitress tell someone that there were only two pieces of pie left. My eyes about popped out of my head. I knew what I was doing when I told my husband that I was tempted to tell the waitress to bring me the pie then instead of later. I wanted to make sure that pie was MINE!!!

The funny thing is, at the very same time, intermixed within these sugar laden thoughts, I also thought that maybe God was taking the pie off my plate to protect me from myself. Did I let Him? NO! My husband asked the waitress to bring me the pie, but really I put him up to it. I have nobody to blame but myself!

Before I got my meal, I ate a large portion of the pie, the thing I was coveting, letting it work a wedge in my relationship with Christ. I was letting the pie call me, instead of being an example of being called by Christ to share how we can turn these urges for food over into God’s very capable hands.

Was I being an example of how God works in my life? Unfortunately not, but I feel compelled to share both the good along with the bad. I am very blessed that God doesn’t ever give up on me and allows me to turn back to Him when I have fallen prey to the call of lemon meringue pie or worse. 2 Timothy 1: 9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:

Since I am applying these Bible Verses to my life, it may not convey the whole meaning of the verses. Debbie

What Was I Thinking When I Skipped Lunch?

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3

I went out to breakfast with a friend and wasn’t hungry when it was lunch time. What was I thinking when I skipped lunch? I should know better. God has shown me over the years that I am more vulnerable any time I miss one of my meals. Instead of eating a normal meal-sized portion later, I ate twice as much and ended up eating things I know are bad for me.

I ate dinner, but didn’t feel satisfied. I ended up getting into the almonds and ate almost half a bag. I didn’t seem able to stop, nor did I want to. I had frozen the almonds which makes them crunchier. Almonds are healthy, right? At least that’s what I tell myself, but eating half of a 16 ounce bag of almonds isn’t good for anyone.

Usually, God gives me a feeling when I’m overindulging, but it didn’t seem like it was there. Maybe, I didn’t want to pay attention to it, which is probably more the case, I’m sorry to say. While I was wolfing the almonds down, with no stopping in sight, I quickly prayed for God to give me the willingness to let Him stop me and He did. Within seconds, I folded up the bag and stuck it in the freezer in the garage. If I were smart, I would have stuck them in the garbage, because I’ve fallen prey to nuts in the past.

I don’t know if I’m taking the miracle that God has done for me by allowing me to lose the 80+ pounds and keeping the majority of it off for over 30 years for granted. I don’t want to get caught up in crazy thinking, letting food control my life again, instead of turning to God. I’m so fortunate that my heavenly Father doesn’t turn His back on me, although I seem to turn my back on Him, at times. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3

If Christ Has Already Forgiven Me, Why Do I Find It So Difficult to Forgive Myself?

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

Well, I want to look at this passage on another level. Last post, I told you about my going to the buffet two times in one month. Actually, it really was within three weeks, but I was afraid the title would be too long. Anyway, I kept chastising myself over and over again for doing that. God showed me a long time ago, that I have to be careful around buffets and I did it twice. Go figure???

What I’m mainly concerned about in this post is that I’m still beating myself up for doing this when Christ has already long forgiven me. I don’t know why I think I should be properly punished for making a mistake, actually making the same mistake twice. As I write this, I’m drawn to the point that Christ suffered for my sins, big and small, so that I don’t have to. This is really significant!!! God doesn’t want me punishing myself, but wants me to feel His healing touch in my life. He heals my pain, my disappointment, and my anger with myself if I let him.

I’m realizing that God wants me to be tenderhearted with myself and forgive myself, because I’m already forgiven! What more could a person ask for? And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

Two Buffets in One Month, What was I Thinking?

2 Corinthians 3: 4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

What was I thinking? This has gone through my mind several times in the last three or four days. We went to a buffet with a couple to celebrate their engagement. We had a very nice time and I found several things on the buffet that I liked. Doesn’t this sound silly from someone who has had food as a vice for the majority of my life? Of course, there were foods on the buffet that I liked.

When I went to the doctor’s for a checkup, I noticed that I had gained a couple of pounds. I don’t weigh regularly, because I find that I let the scale have control over my life and not God when I get too caught up in what the scale says. Now, did I connect the couple of extra pounds to having gone to the buffet? Nope! I just thought it was kind of strange that I had gained weight when I was mostly following my eating plan.

I must have had amnesia, because a couple of weeks later, I suggested to my husband that we stop by the buffet again, since I still had some coupons for it. Again, I found some things on the buffet that I liked, but didn’t think much of it. The next day is when reality set in. What was I thinking (which has been on my mind ever since)?

Fortunately for me, God loves me even when I have amnesia and forget to follow my eating plan. He loves me regardless of my weight, my slips, and all my shortcomings.          2 Corinthians 3: 4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Being a Christian Even When Others Aren’t Nice in Return

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.  For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also love those that love them.  And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also do even the same  Luke 6:31-33.

Have you ever dealt with someone who just wasn’t going to be nice to you no matter what? I used to take it personally and eat over it, fretting what I had done to evoke such a negative response. Once I started turning my food, body, control, and stress over to God’s very capable hands, He has shown me that it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with me.

It’s not always easy to remember that in the midst of these interactions. Recently, someone responded abruptly to me. Thinking of Christ, I was reminded that I have a choice and that I didn’t have to respond in like manner. I apologized for what I thought they were upset with, although it seemed like an insignificant matter to me. The person still responded back abruptly.

I thought that possibly the person didn’t feel my first apology was sincere and decided to apologize again. It really didn’t make any difference in this person’s attitude. It had crossed my mind to respond back by saying that I couldn’t understand what they had to be mad about. I figured that I had even more reason to be angry, because the person was curt with me.

Thinking again about Christ and the choice that He gives me, I was reminded that I need to be a Christian at all times and with all people, not just those who are nice in return. Fortunately, He gave me this thought, which allowed me to not engage in words that wouldn’t have made me a good example of Christ’s positive influence on my life. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.  For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also love those that love them.  And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye?  for sinners also do even the same  Luke 6:31-33.

Message in the Bathroom

John 13: 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love to one another.

Because of the weather and getting into a lax routine, I haven't been walking much lately. I decided to go to a big chain store to walk. I had figured that two times around the store including the garden section equaled one mile. During this time in the store, I had to use the bathroom, only to get a big surprise!

On the back of the bathroom door, it said:       You R Loved!
                                                                                               You R Beautiful!

The funny thing is, reading this made me feel better about myself. Trying to analyze this, I realized that the person who wrote this on the back of the bathroom door had no idea that I would be there, so the comment wasn't personal. It still felt personal, regardless of the logic.

I got to thinking that if seeing positive comments like this would make me feel better, think what it would do for all those who are struggling with their self-esteem, those who are struggling with their body image, those who are struggling with depression, etc.

It  makes me think of this Bible passage and how God wanted us to show love to one another like He loves us. If saying kind, positive things could make a big difference to someone using the restroom, imagine what a positive difference we could make on our family, our friends, and the world by readily sharing positive comments with them. John 13: 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love to one another.

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: