Do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3 NIV Bible
Years ago, one of my most noteworthy lessons the Lord God had for me related to my food, was when I got frustrated with my young daughter for wanting to give my green apples to her friends for a snack. I told her that if she did that, we wouldn't have enough apples for the whole family, but they really were for me, because there weren't many healthy things I could snack on. I have regretted that day, since then, but the Lord showed me how important food, even healthy food, had become in my life. It was shortly after that, I gave up on ever being thing, and I basically told the Lord God, that if He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it, because I couldn't. It was that very same day that He changed everything around, and He allowed me to loose over 80 pounds and to keep the vast majority of it off for over 30 years.
Well, now the shoe was on the other foot! We were given a box of treats, and there was only one thing in the box that I could eat. It was a breakfast croissant with not sweets. I was kind of excited when I pulled that out of the box, and put it on the plate to briefly nuke it before eating it with my lunch. I found that someone else wanted that croissant, even though they had the whole rest of the box of treats for themself.
I asked if they wanted it, and the person did, so I reluctantly relinquished it. At first, I was very frustrated, but then the Lord showed had it on my heart, that this was somewhat similar to the situation I had with my daughter many years earlier. Why was I so resentful about it? The Lord worked on my heart, showing me that I, more than most, must understand how it is to let food, or the desire for it, to control your life. I have been prayerfully contemplating this ever since them. I'm trying to turn over the willingness to have compassion for the person, rather than resentment, for having it taken away from me. Actually, that means that I haven't totally relinquished the hold that food has on me, if I feel resentment over it. Again, I need to continue to be prayerful about this!