The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them [tight.] Proverbs 5:22 NIV Bible
I don't always realize when I need to let go of old patterns. Sometimes, I say I'm frugal to a fault! I think it's a funny way to describe, my being thrifty, but it also rings true! There are times when I have penny pinched situations where it became uncomfortable, in fact, even embarrassing to family members. Sure, it's good for me to not spend carelessly, but there's a time to hold they patterns that ensnare us, and a time to let them go!
My faith in Christ as my Savior, it one of the most important things in my life! I've been blessed by His allowing an 80 pound weight loss, and for the vast majority of the weight to stay off for over 30 years. The thing is, sometimes I get over confident, because the Lord God is always there to remind me when I start slip sliding into the old eating patterns that ensnared me for so many years.
But there are times I tend to take Him and His redeeming love for granted and don't appreciate all He's done for me. I am reluctant to share my faith with others face-to-face, for fear of rejection. Fortunately for me, the Lord God is both forgiving, and leads me to be the person that He wants me to be. I have to let go of those old fears of rejection that ensnare me and keep me from being the Christian, He wants me to be. I started to say that I have to continue to be more prayerful about this, put if the truth be told, I pray about a lot of things and a lot of people, but I rarely pray about asking Christ to free me from those fears that ensnare me and keep me for taking the risks necessary to share my faith!