Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit," and "A [female pig] that is washed, returns to her wallowing in the mud." 2 Peter 2:22 NIV Bible
This Bible verse answers this question about as good as anything else! The other day, I fell back into old eating patterns, and overate when I knew I was no longer hungry. I didn't want to consider taking some of the food home in a "to-go" box. I didn't want to consider leaving any of it on my plate.
I WANTED to eat every single bit of that large meal. It was a good deal, with large portions! Sure that's a good reason for making yourself sick to your stomach??? It would be one thing if the Lord God hadn't shown me so many lessons related to food and my eating, but that wasn't the case! He had shown me years ago, that food had become a false god to me. I was turning to food for comfort, instead turning to Christ for comfort.
I thought I was long past this! But this just goes to show me, I can't become so comfortable with what the Lord has shown me about my counterproductive eating patterns, that I forget those lessons and flop back down in the feeding trough and wallow in the mud!