They shall say to their elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard." Deuteronomy 20:21 NIV
As a Christian Overeater, Past and Present, I have to admit that I have been a glutton many times over the years, much more than I would ever like to admit. During the main portions of the pandemic, they discouraged going to buffets, for fear of exposure to COVID. That took eating at buffets, off my plate, both literally and figuratively!
About a year ago, I realized that there was an ethnic buffet in our town, but I still wasn't going into restaurants that might be crowded. Later, the glutton within me, came up with this plan that I thought was brilliant. If we went to the ethnic buffet at 11:00 a.m., we would be there shortly after they put the food out, but before very many people would have arrived there.
Basically, that plan worked, but the concern here, is when I'm letting the glutton within me, make plans that could lead me back into slip-sliding back into old eating patterns that aren't good for me! I don't want Christ saying about me, "Debbie is a glutton and she won't obey us!" Fortunately for me, the Lord God, reminds me when I'm starting to stray with my food, which is often an indicator that I'm weak and may stray from my faith in Him. That's something I never want to do!