"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to [benefit] you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Bible
Boy do I ever make plans. The thing is, I get so busy making plans of what I want to do or say, I don't always listen to the plans the Lord God has for me. In fact, I get so busy making elaborate plans, I can't even hear it sometimes, when the Lord has something on my heart that's significant for me to listen to! It's kind of like I'm a little kid with her fingers stuck in her ears, trying to block out what someone else is telling them, because they don't want to do anything, but what they want to do. Actually, this blog post is a very eye-opening one for me, because that's exactly what I do, but I don't really realize it, at the time!
Fortunately for me, the good Lord doesn't give up on me easily and most often brings me back to the point, to where I can hear what He was telling me. Unfortunately, sometimes that's after the fact, when I'm realizing in hindsight what the Lord was trying to warn me about.
An example would be, when I skipping lunch and the Lord knows I'm hypoglycemic and get shaky or edgy when I missing a meal or not eating during my normal time. I virtually say by my actions, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm busy right now on a project, and I will listen to You, Lord when I'm finished with it." When I get cranky with others or impatient with my project not turning out the way I want, He reminds me that if I had eaten when I was supposed to, I would have had more energy to continue my project and I wouldn't have been cranky with others. Knowing this, do I always do that? Well, to be honest, I do it more often than I used to, but recently I fell into old eating habits that might not have happened if I had eaten when I should have. I am so blessed to have the Lord God in my corner, who doesn't give up on me when I backslide!