2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the
Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith
which is in Christ Jesus.
I went to eat dinner and took a bowl of various chunks of turkey and a glass of milk. After I ate it, I wasn't hungry for anything else, despite I had several things in the fridge that could have been tempting at that time... but, they weren't.
I prayerfully pondered this. Was I sick? No. Was it something I had eaten recently that left me still feeling full? No. Was it something else? Well, yes, but it was someone else. It was Christ! Earlier in the morning, I had prayed for Christ to heal my food, body and eating. I do this almost every day, but I think that I must get on auto pilot and ramble through it, because today was different.
After prayerful contemplation about all of this and my surprise that I was so satisfied and had no desire for more food, I realized that I should have known! I asked Christ to take care of my food, body, and eating and He did! I shouldn't have had to second guess that and try to find some other worldly reason for feeling satisfied with that amount of food. When I put Christ first and foremost in my life, I don't need the large quantities of food or the sweets, etc. to satisfy me. All I need is His tender love! It has really been an eye opener. It has made me that I have to watch my tendency to ramble through my prayers and to be more mindful of my Lord who takes care of me and refocuses me even when I don't take care of myself.
Because these posts are examples of how I've applied these Bible verses to my life, they don't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the Bible verse. Debbie
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