Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And [still] I will show you a more excellent way. 1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV Bible
It was the birthday of a relative and we were taking him out to dinner. I had spent hours planning what I was going to order. I was going to gloat over what a wonderful food choice I had made. Well, these would most definitely NOT be the greater gifts.
In fact, I was doing the complete opposite to all the Lord God had shown me many years ago. In all this focus on what I was going to eat, and on the desire to gloat in front of others, I was falling back into old patterns of making food a false god in my life.
I was turning to food to give me pleasure, to give me worth, instead of turning to the Lord God for these. One of the biggest things the Lord showed me all those years ago when He blessed me with the loss of over 80 pounds, was that food had become a false god. I had turned to food for comfort to sooth me when I was worried, stressed, concerned or joyful, instead of putting these issues into Christ's very capable hands. Now, to top those off, was the issue of becoming complacent about what He had taught me and I wanted to gloat about my food choices in front of others. Complacency one of many ways that Satan can sneak up and fool Christians, into losing their focus on their Savior and all He's done for them. This was a big eye-opening realization for me!