The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of lights. Matthew 6:22 NIV Bible
My eyes were just too big for my stomach, but did that stop me? No! I ate every last bite, although I knew it wasn't good for me. Why did I do this when I knew better? I was proud of picking such a reasonably priced meal that gave more food than the meals that cost almost double the price.
The thing is, I already knew this, but I did it any way! I was trying to show the people with me what a good deal that this particular meal was. Actually, I think it backfired on me. Instead of realizing what a good deal it was, the look on their faces seemed to say, "I can't believe she's eating all of this!" That wasn't exactly the messages that I was trying to get across.
In the first place, why am I using food to get attention from others? I shouldn't need their admiration to bolster up my self-esteem. Actually, when I ate all that food, trying to make a point about how much food that meal choice provides, I made myself nauseated by eating all of it. To top it all off, I was nauseated with what I had done! I had reverted back to old patterns of using food for comfort, instead of turning to the Lord God for comfort, that goes far beyond one meal, since He's there for me for a lifetime, provided I don't let myself drift away by worldly things!