I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. Psalm 81:12 NIV Bible
Although this is really what this passage is speaking about, it is speaking about stubbornness, which I have an over abundance of! My grandfather used to call me a bull dog, which really seems to suit me to a tee!
So, my prayers all those many years were, "Lord, help me loose the weight." I prayed it so many times, that the Lord God, might have wished that He had ear muffs to block out my hollow requests. So, He let me do my own thing! I was on so many diets, and went to many weight loss groups, and some several times, but nothing happened about my weight. Sure, sometimes, I lost a few pounds, but always gained back even more shortly thereafter.
It wasn't until I finally gave up my stubbornness, that something different happened with my weight, although I didn't know that's what I was doing. I basically had given up on dieting any longer, and I prayed, "Lord, I give up on dieting and being thin. If You ever want me to be thin, You'll have to do it Yourself, because I can't!" That's when things started to change. That exact same day, the desire for large amounts of food, sweets, and carbs was taken away from me. The Lord allowed an 80+ pound weight loss and has kept the majority of it off for over 30 years. But it's not from what I did. It's from not being stubborn and trying to do it myself, but by putting it and my stress into Christ's very capable hands. And He can do it for you, too!