All the nations will ask, "Why has the Lord done this to the land? Why this fierce, burning anger?" Deuteronomy 29:24 NIV Bible
I used to wonder why the Lord God had me be heavy. Was I being punished for something? Did I make Him angry? Certainly, I could think of loads, upon loads of sinful things I've done wrong to justify His anger to me! But in hindsight, I don't think my weight had anything to do with God's displeasure of me or what I've done, although there would have been much to warrant it!
Through having the excess weight all those years, and God's having an 80+ pound weight loss, and allowing the vast majority of it to stay off for over 30 years, He's shown me many things. He's shown me the difference between true friendship and superficial friends. He's shown me, that my opinions are to be valued, no matter what size I am, and if they aren't I should be someplace that they are valued. I've learned that it wasn't my lack of control that led to my being heavy, but instead, it was my failure to relinquish control into Christ's very capable hands, which was instrumental in leading to the weight loss.
I learned that I don't have to be thin, pretty, popular, smart, or any other particular thing, to have the love of the Lord God. He loves me just as I am, this very minute and size, whatever that is. I've learned that if He loves me the way I am, He also loves you, so please be prayerful about turning your life over into the Lord God's very capable hands!