Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27 NIV Bible
I used to plan my budget before the next month and I would worry all month whether I'd have enough money to pay our monthly bills. I stressed about it and fretted over it and ate my heart out with worry!
At a point, the Lord God showed me that worrying, fretting, and stressing all show that I don't trust the Lord God to take care of me and my family. It's as if I were saying, "Lord, I'm not sure You are going to provide food for us and have us make our financial obligations, so I'm going to try to figure out a different plan, in case You fail to take care of us!" When I realized that's what I was saying to my Lord and Savior, I was terribly saddened.
He had given His life on the cross to save me from my many sins and shortcomings, yet I didn't trust Him enough to take care of us! It was difficult at first, to turn all the planning and recalculating over into Christ's very capable hands, but when I did, things started falling into place! It was so amazing! There was ample food to eat and the monthly financial obligations got paid. The more I put this in the Lord God's very capable hands, the less stress I had and the less I ate over the things out of my control that I ate over. This made a major difference in my life, my stress level, and my body!