Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. Deuteronomy 30:11 NIV Bible
Although this is somewhat taken out of context, it isn't totally. Actually, the Lord is telling the Israelites this before they enter the Promised Land. That what He asks of them isn't too difficult, and beyond their capabilities. The Lord God wants them to love and respect Him and not worship the false gods of the neighboring countries.
This ties in, because food had become a false god in my life, before Christ showed this to me. In times of stress or boredom, I would turn to food [a false god] to comfort me, instead of turning to Jesus and putting these issues into His very capable hands. Once I started doing this, my whole life changed. Once I found this out, I prayed, giving up control over my food and eating. I told God that I had given up and that if He ever wanted me to be thin, He'd have to do it, because I couldn't. That's when my whole life started to change. As the Lord showed me that I needed to turn the control of these into His hands on a daily basis, the weight started coming off, starting that very same day I had said that prayer. After that, I rarely had the urge to eat large portions of food and if I did, the Lord would always remind me. Of course, it was up to me to choose whether listen to the Lord's reminders or to follow through on those urges.
Well, the thing is, turning our lives, stress, and food over into the Lord God's hands isn't as difficult as it may seem. It's only a prayer away! If it's hard for you to do this, pray for the willingness to let the Lord be in charge of your food, body, stress, and eating! He will, if you truly want His help. It doesn't always happen immediately, but it's worth the wait and it's not too difficult!