James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
At first, I picked this verse, because it had the word visit in it. I wanted to tell you about the visit we had with Dad, but will explain more later. We went to the Veteran's Home to visit Dad like we usually do. I was a bit apprehensive, because a week earlier I had signed the Hospice papers, because Dad told the nurse that he wanted extra support for pain that Hospice could give him. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw Dad that day.
Actually, Dad looked pretty good. We had lunch together. He ate most of a cup of soup and crackers. The Veteran's Home has wonderful soup that always tastes like homemade. Dad let me feed him three orange jellos. He ate his jello, my husband's and my jello. He let me take his fortified ice cream and milk shake flavored drink to make a milk shake for him and he let me give him every last drop. Now, me, on the other hand, woofed down my meal in five minutes flat. It's a really bad habit I've developed over the years.
After going back and spending some time with Dad in his room, we headed back home. We had finished watching Heartland, one of our favorite series from Netflix, when we got the call as we were headed for bed. The nurse asked how far away I was, which told me a lot. I asked if I should come and they said that they can't make that call. I asked if it were her dad would she go and she said yes! I told her it takes at least an hour to drive there, but we were packing our bags and heading right there to see Dad as soon as we could possibly get there. I didn't know that within 24 hours I would be one of the fatherless. Fortunately, my heavenly Father was there with me through it all.
These Are Other Blogs I Felt Led to Write: