I praise You, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know full well that Your works are wonderful. Psalm 139:14 NIV Bible [Same words, but in a different order.]
In the previous post, I told you that I have been apprehensive every time weight my weight dips down close to my goal weight. I shared that I had secretly worried that possibly I had cancer or something that caused my weight to drop that low. Over 30 years ago, the Lord God blessed me with over an 80+ pound weight loss, with the vast majority of it staying off for over 30 years. Well, I was 20 pounds over my goal weight for at least 10 of those years. Then I was 15 pounds over my goal, then 10 pounds over my goal, and now I'm 5 pounds over my goal. Why have I been so fearful?
I went to my doctor's about 6 months ago, and I had him do a thorough physical, along with an extensive blood test, but everything turned out fine, except that my cholesterol is higher than he would like it. Each time I would find out my weight dipped lower, I would eat more healthy snacks, but that didn't stop my weight from dipping. The funny thing is, I had long given up any interest in trying to get back to my goal weight. I have been happy at the weight the Lord had me at, and anything else seemed strange.
I'm still in the process of prayerfully contemplating all of this. Over 30 years ago, I had some episodes where I would binge eat after my weight got low to my goal weight, because I was uncomfortable about the idea of undue attention from men, because of it, but that's not a concern anymore. Maybe, the Lord God wants me to be at my most healthy optimum weight, as an additional blessing for me, but I have no idea. I just have to continue to be prayerful, and trust the Lord God, since His plans are impeccable. I need to work on just being grateful, instead of fearful.