Since I have used this Bible passage as an example of how the Lord God has positively influenced my overeating, this doesn't necessarily reflect the whole meaning of the verse. Debbie

COE Support Note:

If you REALLY want to read how Christ helped me throughout this weight loss and even when I was tempted, you should read some of the 100's of previous posts on

Looking for the Fastest Way!

 A trap seizes him by the heel & a snare holds him fast. Job 18:9 NIV Bible

Although in this verse, the word "fast" isn't used in the way I wanted to address. In this case the word "fast" means to hold him "tight." But the rest of the verse, really ties in with this topic, in some kind of obscure way! When I was heavy, I was always looking for the fastest way to lose all my weight. I tried so many different diets, it would make most people's head swim. I tried some diets even more than one time. Sure, I would lose some weight on all these diets and dieting programs, but it seemed to be minimal compared with how much I gained once I quit them.

I even went so far as getting staples put in my ears, because that was the most recent weight loss fad related to acupuncture. Well, in this case, I only learned that I was allergic to the metal they used in the staples, because my ear got swollen, because I was allergic to the metal, and blood was dripping down my neck, as the doctor tried to remove the embedded staple.  

It wasn't until I gave up and told the Lord God, "If You ever want me to be thin, You'll have to do it, because I can't. I give up!" It was the very same day, the Jesus changed my eating and I no longer craved sweets and large amounts of food. He miraculously allowed over an 80 pound weight loss, in around six months, and has blessed me by having the vast majority of it staying off for over 30 years. It turns out, this verse was exactly right! When I was looking for the fastest way to lose weight through some program, I  was like I was in "trap [that] seizes him by the heel & a snare holds him fast. When I turned to the Lord God, and gave up on looking elsewhere, everything fell into place, in short order! He can do the same for you, too!

Do I have a Hole in My Heart?

 The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. 1 Kings 10:24 NIV Bible

Now, God put wisdom in King Solomon's heart, but I was wondering if I have hole in my heart, where wisdom should reside instead? In my mind, another way of phrasing it would be, do I have an emptiness in my heart? The answer is: It varies.

When I read the Bible each day, which is one of the ways I like to start me day, I seem to be more aligned with what the Lord God wants of me. Now, most days I start my day reading the Bible, but on days I zip through the passages I'm reading, while I'm thinking of other things on my "To Do List," my day doesn't seem quite as aligned with the Lord as it should be.

Then, there are the days when I feel overwhelmed with what is on my plate and I kick the can down the road, thinking I'll read the Bible later when I have more time available. You have to know, on those days, almost invariably, I will think later in the day, everything's not just right, like everything is out of "whack" and wonder why. Once I prayerfully ponder this, I realize that it's because I didn't start my day with reading the Bible. Once I do, my life seems back in "whack' again and my day goes on, much more smoothly!

I Thought I Would Really Have a Good Life, Once I was Thin

 Jesus answered, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one come to  the Father, except through Me. John 14:6 NIV Bible

Now, for many years, I thought I would really have a good life, once I was thin. Was that the case? Even though the Lord God blessed me with loosing over 80 pounds, and I was at my goal weight, I was never what someone would think was thin. I was much thinner, but because of my body structure, and sagging former bulging skin, I never looked skinny, like some would think!

But in the process of getting thinner, the Lord God taught me so many lessons. One is that I was turning to food for comfort when I was stressed, and made it a false god, turning to food, instead of turning all my problems over to the Jesus' very capable hands. He taught me many things about myself, so my self-esteem was do longer dragging in the gutter. So, in reality, I did have a good life, but it had absolutely nothing to do with being thin!

It strictly had to do with Jesus Christ, Who said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."  He's the one Who made me feel better about myself, whether I was heavy or thin. He let me know that He loved me as I was, whether I was heavy of thin. He showed me that the size of our body has nothing to do with who we are as Christians, it's the size of our hearts that counts. Do I give to those who are needy? Do I share my faith with others? Do I act hatefully or judgmentally to others? Although I'm far from perfect in these areas, the Lord God moves me to be a better Christian!

Watching as Others Eat

 They ate until they were gorged-He had given them what they craved. Psalm 78:29

What this is referring to is when the Lord God allowed the Israelites to escape the oppression of Egypt. They were in the wilderness complaining that they would have preferred to stay in Egypt, where they, at least had meat. The Lord God gave them quails all around the Israelite's camp until they made themselves sick from eating too many of them!

This is a tricky post, because I have gorged myself more than I'd like to admit. In fact, there are times that I still do, on occasion. Fortunately for me, the Lord God reminds me what I'm doing, and has it strong on my heart to stop, and turn things around. Sometimes, I get caught up in knowing how important it is to not eat this way, that I feel compelled to mentally note this when I see others doing so.

There have been a few times, where someone has commented to me, they don't know why they've gained so much weight. Sometimes, my sinful arrogant nature wants to say, "If you didn't eat so many sweets, it might be different." But the Lord has shown me, that these comments are not only not welcome, or helpful, but they are often counterproductive. I remember years ago, at a holiday dinner, someone went around the room with a tray of sweets and offered them to every person. When that person got to me, skipped me and went to the next person, commenting on my not needing any. I got so upset, I found myself going home and goring on lots of sweets that had been denied to me earlier. The Lord God has shown me, it's important for me to not do this same thing that I didn't like, to others!

Links to Other Blogs I Felt Led to Create Below: